Author: bbuucadmin

January 20: Leading from Within

January 20: David Dean will present “Leading from Within” written by Rev. Anthony David, UU Church of Atlanta In this inspiring sermon for Martin Luther King Day, Rev. David considers the 1955 Montgomery bus boycott, and Dr. King’s initial hesitation is becoming involved with it, as an examination into the concept of leadership. “It’s about … Continue reading January 20: Leading from Within

January 6th: Transcending Self

  January 6: Ron Rothberg and the Worship Committee will present “Transcending Self“   American psychologist Abraham Maslow is known for his “Hierarchy of Needs”, a theory of psychological health predicated on fulfilling innate human needs. But most people don’t realize that, on his death bed, Maslow altered his hierarchy to include self-transcendence needs and … Continue reading January 6th: Transcending Self

This Week at BBUUC…January 6, 2013

This week at BBUUC…. January 6: Ron Rothberg and the Worship Committee will present “Transcending Self” American psychologist Abraham Maslow is known for his “Hierarchy of Needs”, a theory of psychological health predicated on fulfilling innate human needs. But most people don’t realize that, on his death bed, Maslow altered his hierarchy to include self-transcendence … Continue reading This Week at BBUUC…January 6, 2013

Religious Education Opportunities

As the year of 2012 draws to a close, our RE committee and our new Director of Religious Education are preparing new curriculum for Adult Religious Education classes. Please check back or watch the monthly newsletter, The Journey, for RE offerings in the 2013 Winter/Spring/Summer.