This week at BBUUC….
December 9: Reverend Jack Ford will present: “Spirituality”
I live between two worlds. One of them is often referred to as ‘Spiritual’. The other could be possibly defined as ‘carnal’. I love both of them. My life consists of an exercise in balancing between the two, neither of which i can entirely define or understand. My life is dialogue. Thoreau said that he found in himself “an instinct toward a higher, spiritual life, and another toward a primitive and savage one, and i reverence them both. I love the wild not less than the good.” What is the connection between the spiritual and other aspects of our lives; emotional, physical, psychological? What does it mean to be ‘spiritual’?
Led by Ron Rothberg
Accompanied by Gary Smart
What’s Happening at Church this week?
Saturday, December 8
• 5pm Hanukah Service led by Rev. Elizabeth Teal, followed by a light Potluck: a Festival of thanks, fellowship and light. We will light the lights, sing our songs of love, share a story or two and of course, eat! This is a light pot- luck– so please bring:
o small latkes (potato pancakes)
o sufganiot( berliners/biehnet/donuts)
o or your favorite appetizers or hors d’oeuvres!
Sunday, December 9
• 12pm BBUUYA Lunch
• 12pm Caring Committee
Tuesday, December 11
• 7pm Council Meeting
Wednesday, December 12
• 11:30am Lunch Bunch at Pengree’s
• 7pm BEACON
• 7pm Choir of the Moment Rehearsal
• 7pm CUUPS Yule Ritual
Friday, December 14
• 6:30pm Cookies and Caroling at Annabelle and Michael’s – This annual all-ages party will include cookie baking, caroling in the neighborhood, people sitting around a piano playing or nearby strumming a guitar. Everyone is warmly invited to join in the Christmas cheer! (Please contact for directions/address information.)
We are looking forward to seeing you this week!