Speaker: Dr. Mark Yount

The Wisdom of Love

Wisdom and Love: a great combination! You may know the phrase ‘love of wisdom” as the source (in Greek) for our word ‘philosophy.’ But our resident philosopher has been known to turn a phrase, and this month he has a valentine for you: the wisdom of love. Join us to celebrate. About Our Speaker: Since … Continue reading The Wisdom of Love

We Are All Queer

The word itself makes us uncomfortable.  Some LGBTQ activists have used the word to provoke, advocate and assert their pride.  That same attitude can take us to a deeper level of gay-straight solidarity as we deconstruct the line between ‘gay’ and ‘straight’ – beginning with our speaker.  Let’s turn our discomfort to affirmation of our “queer” individuality.  All of us! More Info

A Question of Balance

About our Service:  Is global warming the fever symptom of a planet overrun by virulent progress? Ecofeminists trace the problem to our historically masculine domination and often evoke the Gaia myth as an image of balance. Since “male” science offers such Stark confirmation of the problem, perhaps we can draw out a scientific thread to … Continue reading A Question of Balance

Living Thanks: A Pilgrim’s Progress

Two Thanksgivings ago when Mark made a pilgrimage to Maryland for his father’s illness, Ron Rothberg delivered his sermon “Living Thanks.” Now, Mark revisits his observations on the philosophy and spirituality of thankfulness in light of his own “pilgrim’s progress” toward a life lived in thanks.

We Are Golden

So much depends on how we see ourselves – our view of human nature, and of our own potential. Let others debate origins and end times, this life offers contrast enough to set us wondering who we might be.

Dylan’s Truth

Ours is an age in which opinions rule while “truth” is at best an elusive commodity: a suspect ideal to postmodern liberals, or (to the other side) the strict word of a stricter God. But only by appealing to truth can we call out what is nonsense. So, bypassing philosophers, I find in Bob Dylan’s 45-year body of art an elemental truth. Dylan’s is a truth steeped in tradition yet devoted to creativity, defiantly challenging everything “phony,” to the very UU refrain: “for every hung up person in the whole wide universe.”

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