Archives: Services

Honoring the Spiritual Lives of Animals

Elizabeth DeCoux “Honoring the Spiritual Lives of Animals” Alyssa Halliday, Worship Leader Hannalora Chapple, Youth Worship Leader Sydney Crisp, Accompanist Scientists, philosophers, and theologians have observed in recent years that animals have spiritual experiences, including worship, very much in the Unitarian Universalist sense of holding up what is worthy. Whether the animals are family members, … Continue reading Honoring the Spiritual Lives of Animals

Blessing of the Animals

10/14/2022 (Saturday) 3:00 p.m. live on the Church grounds! Blessing of the Animals Please join us outside the church at 3:00 p.m. on Saturday, October 14, for the Blessing of the Animals. The blessing is held each year near the Feast Day of St. Francis of Assisi in recognition of the spiritual nature of animals and … Continue reading Blessing of the Animals

Second Sunday Spirit in Practice: Spiritual Partnerships

Rev. Carmen Emerson, BBUUC’s Affiliated Community Minister “Second Sunday Spirit in Practice:  Spiritual Partnerships” Linda Mowers, Worship Leader Eileen Morrison, Accompanist Mike Ludwick, Guitar and Vocals, Special Music Our sermon series continues with an examination of various Spiritual Partnerships and what they share in common: intentionality, mutual commitment, and trustworthiness as companions on journeys of … Continue reading Second Sunday Spirit in Practice: Spiritual Partnerships

iChurch Needs to be Upgraded

Rev. Anne Mason,  Senior Minister of the First Parish in Lexington, MA (UU)  Presents a virtual sermon for BBUUC: “iChurch Needs to be Upgraded” Jennifer Bacmeister, Worship Leader Sydney Crisp, Accompanist Rev. Mason says, “When I first moved to this area, I was so excited to be in the cradle of the Transcendentalists. And yet, … Continue reading iChurch Needs to be Upgraded

Aging Gracefully

Rev. Carmen Emerson BBUUC’s Affiliated Community Minister, Presents “Aging Gracefully” Donna Zimmerman, Worship Leader Eileen Morrison, Accompanist Mary Avery and Eileen Morrison (Vocals), Special Music What does it look like in our faith community to age gracefully together, to care for one another, and to make responsible choices for ourselves? About Our Speaker: Rev. Carmen … Continue reading Aging Gracefully

To Be or To Become

David Dean presents “To Be or To Become” A sermon written by  Rev. Rod Richards Caitlin Regan, Worship Leader Eileen Morrison, Accompanist Tyler Kidd (Piano), Special Music A sermon on welcoming who we are when we give up trying to become who we are not. About our Speaker  David Dean, BBUUC member and an integral … Continue reading To Be or To Become

Communal Spiritual Practices

Rev. Carmen Emerson BBUUC’s Affiliated Community Minister Presents Second Sunday Spirit in Practice: “Communal Spiritual Practices” Alyssa Halliday, Worship Leader Eileen Morrison, Accompanist Bill and Paula Prince (Keyboard and Sax), Guest Musicians Our monthly sermon series continues with a consideration of the communal spiritual practice we share every week: our Sunday worship service. Our word … Continue reading Communal Spiritual Practices

Putting Labor Back in Labor Day

Rev. Dr. David Breeden  Senior Minister, First Unitarian Society of Minneapolis Presents a virtual sermon for BBUUC: “Putting Labor Back in Labor Day” Linda Mowers, Worship Leader Eileen Morrison, Accompanist Timothy Edwards (Violin), Guest Musician Join us this Labor Day weekend as Rev. Dr. David Breeden, the Unitarian Society of Minneapolis senior minister, shares his … Continue reading Putting Labor Back in Labor Day

“Words of Welcome”

Jennifer Bacmeister presents “Words of Welcome” Alyssa Halliday, Worship Leader Eileen Morrison, Accompanist A light-hearted look at radical hospitality: within our faith, our own church, and finally, our own lives. About Our Speaker: Jennifer Bacmeister has been a member of BBUUC since 2001. She has served in many roles, including Worship Committee Chair, Building Task … Continue reading “Words of Welcome”

BBUUC Annual Family Ingathering and Water Sharing Sunday

BBUUC Annual Family Ingathering and Water Sharing Sunday Presented by the Worship Team and Lifespan Religious Education Eileen Morrison, Accompanist Mike Bernos and Caitlin Regan, Special Music Lynn Wadley will provide music during the Ceremony We have a tradition each year at BBUUC to hold an Ingathering and Water Sharing Sunday. It’s a celebration of … Continue reading BBUUC Annual Family Ingathering and Water Sharing Sunday