Archives: Services

Hymn Sing (Collaborative Service)

BBUUC is starting off the New Year by holding a Hymn Sing, a worship service in which most of the liturgy is music. Hymn requests will be taken from the congregation. Come be in community with others and lift up your voice in song.

Festivus Service

Not inspired to celebrate the holidays in the traditional style? You can resist holiday commercialism and stresses by coming to BBUUC to celebrate Festivus.

BBUUC’s Annual Christmas Eve Service (6:30 pm)

The Worship Committee will present “Christmas Eve Service at BBUUC”: Come, bring your family and friends to our annual Christmas Eve Service coordinated and led by Joann Carollo and the talented Smart family—along with the BBUUC Choir—and other fabulous musicians and presenters from our congregation.

CUUPS Solstice Service (6:30 pm)

Although winter is the season of dormancy, darkness and cold, the December Solstice marks the “turning of the Sun” and the days slowly get longer. Come celebrate the lighter days to come and nature’s continuing cycle.

Books Nurture Souls and Build Sanctuaries

A sermon containing thoughts about a way to reach out as well as nurturing our own soul and building our own sanctuary. In addition, our Giving Tree opportunity for the Christmas Season this year will be introduced.

Our First Unitarian Universalist Principle

Our first principle asks us to affirm and promote the dignity and worth of every person. But what does that mean? Does everybody have dignity and worth, even mass murderers? Linda will discuss how our first principle came about, why it is so fundamental to our faith, and how we, as Unitarian Universalists, can honor it.

Living Thanks: A Pilgrim’s Progress

Two Thanksgivings ago when Mark made a pilgrimage to Maryland for his father’s illness, Ron Rothberg delivered his sermon “Living Thanks.” Now, Mark revisits his observations on the philosophy and spirituality of thankfulness in light of his own “pilgrim’s progress” toward a life lived in thanks.