Archives: Services

Our Seventh UU Principle

About our Service: Our seventh principle applies our first principle – respect for the worth and dignity of each individual – to all life. It extends our faith’s compassion to the entire web of existence. Linda will discuss why this principle is so fundamental to Unitarian Universalists, and to our ailing planet. About our Speaker: … Continue reading Our Seventh UU Principle

Marking Our Passages — Together

About our Service: Religious communities are traditionally places we celebrate transitions in life. In our culture, graduation from high school is one such transition. This Sunday, we will honor our own Ava Lopez and Tye Rothberg in a “Bridging Ceremony” as they transition into young adulthood. Through ritual, song, and words, we will lift up their roles in our community … Continue reading Marking Our Passages — Together

Living in Right Relationship

About our Service: Right Relationship is a fun button word in our faith. It refers to how we try and be our best selves when we are together. Join us as we explore the role covenant, community, and conversation have in our everyday lives as Unitarian Universalists, by taking a deep dive into our second principle. … Continue reading Living in Right Relationship

Martyrdom and Persecution in Evangelical Christian Popular Culture

About our Service: Dr. Ingersoll will explore examples from novels, film, and popular music videos to look at how martyrdom and persecution have become a key frame for social conflict. About our Speaker: Dr. Julie Ingersoll is Professor of Religious Studies, Religious Studies Program Coordinator at the University of North Florida. She is the author … Continue reading Martyrdom and Persecution in Evangelical Christian Popular Culture

Earth Day

The service will be about the bounty of Mother Earth and the need to preserve her for future generations.  We will look back to the genesis of the Earth Day movement and forward to how our 7th principle calls us to consider how we affect the Earth today.  It will be a call to action … Continue reading Earth Day

Rev. Elizabeth Teal

About our Speaker: Reverend Elizabeth Teal is an ordained interfaith minister, an animal behavior specialist and an artist. She is honored to be present in spiritual counseling, chaplaincy and in creating ceremonies and celebrations for one and all. She deeply believes in our healing connections with each other and other species. She actively tours as … Continue reading Rev. Elizabeth Teal

Flower Communion Service

About our Service: The Flower Ceremony, sometimes referred to as  Flower  Communion  or  Flower Festival, is an annual ritual that celebrates beauty, human uniqueness, diversity, and community. Originally created in 1923 by Unitarian minister Norbert Capek of Prague, Czechoslovakia, the Flower Ceremony was introduced to the United States by Rev. Maya Capek, Norbert’s widow. In this ceremony, everyone in the … Continue reading Flower Communion Service

Easter Theme

About our Speaker: Phillip Baber is a graduate of the University of Kansas with a Juris Doctor degree from William & Mary. He is a former high school educator with extensive experience in youth and music ministry. He is happily married and the father of two beautiful girls. He is currently the minister at the … Continue reading Easter Theme