Archives: Services

The Book that Transformed the Western World

Linda Crawford and Marilyn Smart “The Book that Transformed the Western World” Worship Leader: Jennifer Stokes Accompanist: Gary Smart About our Service: The rediscovery of one amazing book helped to usher in the modern age. That ancient book, “On the Nature of Things”, introduced revolutionary ideas about science, human dignity, and free will. Marilyn and … Continue reading The Book that Transformed the Western World

Unity in Diversity

Reverend Elizabeth Teal “Unity in Diversity” Worship Leader: David Austin Accompanist: Gary Smart Guest Musician: Thomas Milovac, Bassist About our Service: Why the world needs our individual unique gifts, now more than ever. About our Speaker: Reverend Elizabeth Teal is the executive director of Giving Paws. She is also the Spiritual Director for The Ministry … Continue reading Unity in Diversity

Love is the Thing

Jennifer Stokes “Love is the Thing” Worship Leader: Meghan Kaminski Accompanist: Gary Smart Special Music: Michael Bernos About our Service: Join Jennifer as she presents a happy dissertation about LOVE. She’ll explore some philosophy, history,  and even some interesting trivia on the topic that’s on everyone’s mind in February. Come hear about love – what … Continue reading Love is the Thing

“A Survivor’s Story”

Morris Bendit “A Survivor’s Story” In commemoration of International Holocaust Remembrance Day  Worship Leader: Linda Mowers Accompanist: Gary Smart Guest Musician:  Sunshine Simmons, Clarinet About our Service: Morris Bendit, Holocaust Survivor, and Witness, born January 22, 1941. In July 1941, his home-town was invaded by the Nazi’s. In October 1941, the Jews were forced out of … Continue reading “A Survivor’s Story”

“The Dilley Pro Bono Project”

Linda Gillespie-Marina “The Dilley Pro Bono Project” Worship Leader: Caitlin Regan Accompanist: Gary Smart Guest Musician: Goliath Flores About our Service: Linda will share her personal experiences with the “Dilly Pro Bono Project,” in which she volunteered for a week as an Interpreter (Spanish—English). She interpreted for a lawyer out of Minneapolis who does not … Continue reading “The Dilley Pro Bono Project”

Stories Behind the Songs

Tom Neilson Worship Leader: Jay Gardner Accompanist: Eileen Morrison About our Service Tom Neilson is a storyteller who will weave an autobiographical sketch that delves into the stories behind his songs. Beginning with his dairy farm roots and proceeding to the Vietnam War, liberation struggles, border crossings, pipelines, parenting, sexuality, lost loves and anything that didn’t get … Continue reading Stories Behind the Songs

Fourth Annual Festivus Celebration

“BBUUC’s Fourth Annual Festivus Celebration”   Worship Leader and Presenter: Jennifer Stokes Accompanist: Dr. Gary Smart About Our Service: Come join BBUUC in our Fourth Annual Festivus Celebration!  We will enjoy a participatory Recitation of Festivus Miracles, air our grievances, and perform the traditional Feats of Strength!  BBUUC is proud to have it’s very own … Continue reading Fourth Annual Festivus Celebration

Christmas Eve Service

BBUUC’s Annual Christmas Eve Service at 6:30pm Come, bring your family and friends to our annual Christmas Eve Service! This family service will be a woven tapestry of music, carols, words and inspiration for this special season, for all ages—followed by a time of fellowship and holiday refreshments (furnished by volunteers organized by the Hospitality … Continue reading Christmas Eve Service

Exploring the Concept of Faith and its Meaning

Manuel (Manny) Andrade presents “Exploring the Concept of Faith and its Meaning” Worship Leader: Kris Kines Accompanist: Dr. Gary Smart Special Music by Guest Musician Marc Dickman (Euphonium) with Gary Smart About our Service: The UU  Principles call for a responsible search for truth in our faith journey. We will explore concepts of faith and … Continue reading Exploring the Concept of Faith and its Meaning