Archives: Services

Drawing On the Wide Side of The Brain

David Dean presents “Drawing On the Wide Side of The Brain” A sermon written by  Rev. Rod Richards Donna Zimmerman, Worship Leader Dr. Gary Smart, Accompanist Cameron Norman (Soprano), Guest Musician This sermon challenges Unitarian Universalists to “make the circle wider,” inviting and welcoming others to join us in our faith. But the real challenge is … Continue reading Drawing On the Wide Side of The Brain

Transitions, Companions & Expectations

Rev. Carmen Emerson presents “Transitions, Companions & Expectations” Elizabeth DeCoux, Worship Leader Gary Smart, Accompanist Mike Bernos, Special Music Our affiliated community minister, Rev. Carmen Emerson, offers a reflection on what it means to navigate the “wilderness” of transition and what is fair for us to expect of one another as companions on a covenantal … Continue reading Transitions, Companions & Expectations

Endings and Beginnings

Rev. Amy Moses-Lagos, BBUUC Minister, presents “Endings and Beginnings” Beth Curtis, Worship Associate Sydney Crisp, Accompanist Caitlin Regan, Special Music In this final service of Reverend Amy, we will celebrate all that BBUUC has accomplished in the past two years, and consider our hopes and dreams for the future. Today’s Time for All Ages will … Continue reading Endings and Beginnings

We Were Made for This Moment

Rev. Dr. Susan Frederick-Gray President of the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations In a video presentation of her June 23rd address  to the UUA General Assembly “We Were Made for This Moment” Linda Mowers, Worship Leader Sydney Crisp, Accompanist The service will include a Welcoming Ceremony for Jenn Jones BBUUC’s Director of Lifespan Religious Education  … Continue reading We Were Made for This Moment

Rituals of Endings and Beginnings

Rev. Amy Moses-Lagos, BBUUC Minister, presents “Rituals of Endings and Beginnings” Caitlin Regan, Worship Associate Dr. Gary Smart, Accompanist Special Music by Marcus Dickman, Euphonium The cycle of the seasons teaches us deep lessons about loss, transition, and welcoming new life. This service will offer time to reflect on losses, celebrate new beginnings and consider … Continue reading Rituals of Endings and Beginnings

The Conscience of Democracy

Dr. Mark Yount presents “The Conscience of Democracy” Kris Kines, Worship Leader Sydney Crisp, Accompanist, and Special Music Performance Our 5th UU Principle challenges us to balance two values in tension with each other. The right of conscience is to claim moral truth no matter how many others deny it. But the democratic process demands … Continue reading The Conscience of Democracy

This Present Paradise

Rev. Amy Moses-Lagos, BBUUC Minister, presents “This Present Paradise” Claudia Marshall, Worship Associate Dr. Gary Smart, Accompanist Special Music by Job Meiller, Guitar and Vocals Early Universalists believed that God was love and that God’s love called them to create heaven on earth by treating one another with kindness and compassion. How can we understand … Continue reading This Present Paradise

The American Journey

Rev. Dr. Matthew Johnson Senior Minister of The Unitarian Universalist Church, Rockford, IL  Presents a virtual sermon for BBUUC, entitled “The American Journey”  Linda Mowers, Worship Leader Dr. Gary Smart, Accompanist Special Music by Dr. John Daugherty, Baritone We’re in the midst of a public debate in this country about the American Story—what it is, … Continue reading The American Journey

Goodbye, Farewell and Amen

Pastor Phillip Baber “Goodbye, Farewell and Amen” With Alyssa Halliday as Worship Leader Dr. Gary Smart, Accompanist, and Special Music Performance In what is likely his final sermon before moving to Dublin, Ireland, Phillip Baber will share words of encouragement and exhortation in anticipation of dangerous days to come for our nation.   About Our Guest Speaker: … Continue reading Goodbye, Farewell and Amen