Our church supports affinity groups as a way to enrich congregational life.  Affinity groups are smaller circles of community who are interested in similar things. There is always room for more affinity groups at BBUUC. All it takes is an organizer and a group of interested people to make it happen!

Some groups currently active at BBUUC are:

  • Buckman Bridge Unitarian Universalist Young Adults (BBUUYA)
  • This group is for ages 18-35 and meets for worship, social justice and fellowship on the fourth Tuesday of the month, as well as other times during the month.

  • Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans (CUUPS)
  • This group welcomes Pagans of all paths. CUUPS meets the second and fourth Wednesdays a month, as well as regularly for Sabbats which may fall on other dates throughout the year.

  • “Afternoon Tea” Affinity Group
  • The Afternoon Tea Affinity Group meets for tea, homebaked goodies and conversation in people’s homes for a relaxing afternoon of fellowship.

  • Buckman Bridge Unitarian Universalist Christian Fellowship (BBUUCF)
  • The BBUUCF explores liberal Christianity within the context of each individual’s religious faith. The Buckman Bridge UU Christian Fellowship gathers on the fourth Sunday each month at 9am.

  • Prayer Shawl Affinity Group
  • The Prayer Shawl Affinity Group produces comfort shawls and lap blankets for members of the BBUUC community who are in need of love and support from the congregation.

  • Religious Texts and Society
  • The Religious Texts and Society Affinity Group looks at the history of the major world religious texts and how they relate to society at large.



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