Category: Upcoming Events

May 14: Reproductive Justice

May 14 through June 18th Join Us For Reproductive Justice: Expanding Our Social Justice Calling Congregational Study/Action Issue Facilitators: Rev Pat Ray and Sarah Ritzman As Unitarian Universalists, we are the inheritors of a 50-year history of reproductive rights advocacy of which we should be very proud. We also share a strong commitment to racial … Continue reading May 14: Reproductive Justice

May 19: Annual Meeting

The BBUUC Annual Meeting will be held on Sunday, May 19 at 12 noon. All members and friends are welcome to attend, but only members can vote. Members should check in with Melinda Kluding, Board Secretary, to receive their voting card and Annual Meeting packet.

Apr 27: BBUUC Rummage Sale

We are looking for donors, volunteers, and shoppers for our first BBUUC Rummage Sale! The sale will be held Saturday,  April 27th, 8am-2pm, at BBUUC. We will be accepting contributions of new and gently used household items on Sunday,  April 14th, and Sunday, April 21st, after church services. All donations will be stored in the … Continue reading Apr 27: BBUUC Rummage Sale

Apr 10: CUUPS Healing and Energy Circle

Come and join the Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans for a healing and energy circle on Wednesday, April 10th at 7pm. We will channel healing energy into those who ask for it. It’s like a trip to a massage therapist for your soul!

Apr 7: Sunday Sundaes

The BBUUC BEACON group invites you all to join us for sundaes after the service April 7th. The suggested donation is only $3 a sundae, and there will also be brownies for just a bit extra. All the proceeds will help them, proudly the district’s largest CON going BEACON group, attend this year’s District Assembly … Continue reading Apr 7: Sunday Sundaes

Mar 31: Easter Potluck

Easter brings another potluck and the opportunity to share favorite spring time dishes with our BBUUCC family. The annual Easter Potluck will be Sunday, March 31st, after services. There will be a sign up sheet on the back table over the next couple of weeks  for attendees to indicate what dishes they would like to … Continue reading Mar 31: Easter Potluck

Mar 30: Newcomer Class

Registration is Closed. If you are thinking of becoming a member, or just want to learn more about BBUUC and Unitarian Universalism, this class is the one to take.  It is offered every other month.  The next class will be held in May.  If you were not able to sign up for the March 30th … Continue reading Mar 30: Newcomer Class