Category: Upcoming Events

Sept 11: Newcomer Class

Thinking about becoming a Member of BBUUC or just want to know more about us? Then join us for our Newcomer’s Class in September! The Newcomer’s class will be held on three consecutive Wednesdays from 7-9 PM on September 11th, 18th & 25th. In this 3 week class we’ll explore our own personal journeys, Unitarian … Continue reading Sept 11: Newcomer Class

Sept 11: CUUPS

Join the Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans as they continue exploring the book “Drawing Down the Moon” by Margot Adler.  The meeting is at 7:00pm.

Sept 11: Lunch Bunch

Wednesday, September 11th at 11:30am The BBUUC Lunch Bunch meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 11:30, at Pengree’s Restaurant in Orange Park (556 Kingsley Avenue) for food and fellowship. All are welcomed to join us! Please contact Frances Kennicutt or Beth Christiansen, the office administrator, at if you plan to join … Continue reading Sept 11: Lunch Bunch

Sept 5: Faithful Choices

An Adult Program in Clinical Ethics and Religious Values, written by Wayne B. Arnason for the UUA. “The goal of Faithful  Choices is to enable participants to be more knowledgeable, responsible, assertive, and faithful health-care decision- makers.” The eight sessions include discussions on privacy, treatment, end-of-life decisionmaking, and other topics. They will be facilitated by … Continue reading Sept 5: Faithful Choices

Aug 29: Welcome Ambassador Appreciation and Training

On August 29th at 7 pm we will host a Welcome Ambassador Appreciation & Training. This is for new & returning Welcome Ambassadors. Please email to RSVP or if you are interested in becoming one of our Welcome Ambassadors.  

Aug 28: CUUPS

Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans will be ending their conversations about Margot Adler’s book, Drawing Down the Moon.

Aug 28: How To Self Publish

Almost everyone has a story to tell. Self publishing has become so easy and so reasonably priced that you can get your book in front of the reading public quickly and with a minimum of fuss. We will be holding four monthly sessions, starting July 10, to explore how to take advantage of reasonably priced … Continue reading Aug 28: How To Self Publish

Aug 25: BBUUCF

The Buckman Bridge Unitarian Universalist Christian Fellowship(BBUUCF) meets on the fourth Sunday of the month at 9 am at Buckman Bridge UU Church ( Join us on April 28th to watch the second video in the collection on Saving Jesus: From the Christian Right and Secular Left, a DVD from progressive Christians featuring contemporary biblical … Continue reading Aug 25: BBUUCF