Category: Upcoming Events

Oct 23: 7pm CUUPS

Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans Members of the BBUUC community are invited to a Pumpkin Party this Wednesday at 7PM. CUUPS is hosting the carving extravaganza, all you need to bring is the pumpkin. The party is open to all ages, but kids will need to be accompanied by a parent.

Oct. 23: 7pm BBUUYA

Buckman Bridge Unitarian Universalist Young Adults This group is meant as a safe, supportive space for Adults ages 18-35. There is always a seat open for new folks! BBUUYA focuses on support, community, social justice and worship. Please join us!

Oct 20: 11am River City Pride Festival

Come support the LGBTQ community at the Pride Festival. Held at the site of the Riverside Arts Market on Riverside Ave.  Runs from 11am-8pm.  BBUUC will have a booth and welcomes volunteers to man the booth!

Oct 17: 7pm Faithful Choices

An Adult Program in Clinical Ethics and Religious Values, written by Wayne B. Arnason for the UUA. “The goal of Faithful  Choices is to enable participants to be more knowledgeable, responsible, assertive, and faithful health-care decision- makers.” The eight sessions include discussions on privacy, treatment, end-of-life decisionmaking, and other topics. They will be facilitated by … Continue reading Oct 17: 7pm Faithful Choices

Oct 16: 6:30pm Comfort Crafts Affinity Group

Join our Comfort Crafts Group as they knit, crochet, quilt and craft items which will meet the emotional needs of the congregation.  Comfort shawls, lap blankets and other items of comfort are made here.  All are welcome!  Lessons are available if you are interested in learning to knit or crochet.

Oct 12: 8am Rummage Sale

Our bi-annual rummage sale is being held this Saturday, Oct 12 beginning at 8am. We are in need of volunteers to help set up and run the rummage sale.  If you are able to help, please get in touch with Amber Rodriguez or Scott Cromar, or email   If you aren’t able to help, … Continue reading Oct 12: 8am Rummage Sale