Category: Past Worship Services

March 27th: Flower Communion Service

Easter Sunday The Flower Ceremony, sometimes referred to as Flower Communion or Flower Festival, is an annual ritual that celebrates beauty, human uniqueness, diversity, and community. Originally created in 1923 by Unitarian minister Norbert Capek of Prague, Czechoslovakia, the Flower Ceremony was introduced to the United States by Rev. Maya Capek, Norbert’s widow. In this ceremony, … Continue reading March 27th: Flower Communion Service

March 20th: Mindfulness

Bethany Crawley Description of service forthcoming. About our Speaker: Bethany Crawley has taught yoga and meditation for over 12 years and co-founded Lotus Yoga in 2008. Bethany also offers mindful ness training directly to healthcare professionals in furtherance of the Healing Tree Project’s healthcare initiative. She is an attorney by trade. Worship Leader:  TBD Accompanied … Continue reading March 20th: Mindfulness

Linda Crawford: The Poetry of Nature

March 6th Contemplation of nature is a wonderful way to calm ourselves, get a better perspective on our problems, and feel a connection with the universe. The English poet William Wordsworth, perhaps better than any other writer, put that sense of oneness into words. Worship Leader:  Vanessa Birchell Accompanied by:  Ellen Miceli