Category: DRE Dwellings

Soul Matters: What Does It Mean To Be A People of Renewal?

Faith Development For All Soul Matters What Does It Mean To Be A People of Renewal?  Find Your Packet Here: September is a season of homecoming for us UUs. And renewal is central to that. At the opening of each new church year, we renew our commitments to each other and our church community. … Continue reading Soul Matters: What Does It Mean To Be A People of Renewal?

Soulful Home – Thresholds

Soulful Home What Does it Mean to be a Family of Thresholds? Knock Knock. Who’s there? Adore. Adore who? Adore is between you and me. Could you please open up? This month, we’re approaching thresholds with curiosity, a little silliness, and a compassionate acknowledgement that thresholds cost something; they are edges and limits that … Continue reading Soulful Home – Thresholds

Soul Matters – Thresholds

Soul Matters What Does It Mean To Be A People of Thresholds? When encountering thresholds, we often talk as if our work is that of successfully “passing through” them. We speak of “making healthy transitions.” We seek out advice and support as we decide which thresholds to lean into and which to resist. The … Continue reading Soul Matters – Thresholds

Creating Sabbath Space Week Two

Creating Sabbath Space Week Two Introduction  Welcome to Week Two of our “Sabbath Space” adventure.  Each week you will get a packet that includes:  Guidance for adding 1-2 new pieces of your family home altar, or “Chalice Home” as we also like to call it  A family worship guide developed celebrate and deepen your connection … Continue reading Creating Sabbath Space Week Two

Soulful Home: Finding the Sacred in Everyday Spaces.

Soulful Home: Finding the Sacred in Everyday Spaces. What does it mean to be a family of Wisdom? Find your packet here: This month, we’re doing two sage things together: reminding ourselves of the many unexpected ways wisdom presents itself and re-asserting our trust in our wisdom as parents. I want to start with … Continue reading Soulful Home: Finding the Sacred in Everyday Spaces.

Mystery Pals

Mystery Pals is a multi-Sunday event in which children and youth are anonymously (it’s a Mystery!) paired up with an older person (a youth or adult) as pen pals.  Pairings are based on shared interests, and participants learn who their Mystery Pals are only on the final Sunday. Each Sunday, starting April 5th and ending … Continue reading Mystery Pals


In some Christian traditions, in preparation for the celebration of Easter, the faithful make a personal sacrifice as a way of bringing them closer to G*d and reminding them of the sacrifices that Jesus and his followers made. #UULent is a way for Unitarian Universalists to engage in a shared spiritual practice alongside siblings in … Continue reading #UULent