Creating Sabbath Space Week Two

Creating Sabbath Space Week Two


Welcome to Week Two of our “Sabbath Space” adventure.

 Each week you will get a packet that includes: 

  • Guidance for adding 1-2 new pieces of your family home altar, or “Chalice Home” as we also like to call it 
  • A family worship guide developed celebrate and deepen your connection to those additions to your altar 
  • A couple of “after-worship” activities to continue your family Sabbath time of connecting and relaxing together 

This second week our focus turns to adding an offering container and a gratitudes & grace water glass to our home altars/chalice homes.

 Both of these elements remind us that one of the best ways to nurture yourself is to think about and care for others. 

We encourage you to find your own special way to lift up this other-center message to your children. It’s also an opportunity to remind them about the overarching aim of our chalice home journey: To build a place that helps us remember what is important, nourishing and sacred in our lives. Keeping these important things in front of us is especially vital during this time of sickness, separation and uncertainty. It’s a reminder that even though we may be cut off from the people and activities we love, we remain spiritually connected to them all the time. 

After preparing for and then holding family worship, you are invited to continue your “family Sabbath” with the activities we’ve recommended. 

Blessings as you engage this precious work of nurturing the connections that sustain us all.

Adult RE “What we choose: Ethics for UUs

Workshop #7 – April 19th, 12-2pm 

This workshop will introduce Relational Ethics, exploring the roles of compassion and relationship and how they do or might play in personal moral and ethical decision making. We will also explore the connection between Relational Ethics and our second Unitarian Universalist Principle which speaks of justice, equity, and compassion in human relations and our 7th Principle which speaks of our interconnectedness to each other.

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