Author: BBUUC PR

Soul Matters: What Does It Mean To Be A People of Integrity?

Soul Matters What Does It Mean To Be A People of Integrity?  Find Your Packet Here: Wholeness is never lost; it is only forgotten. Integrity rarely means that we need to add something to ourselves: it is more an undoing than a doing, a freeing ourselves from beliefs we have about who we are … Continue reading Soul Matters: What Does It Mean To Be A People of Integrity?

Soulful Home: What does it mean to be a family of Integrity?

Faith Development through Practice Soulful Home What does it mean to be a family of Integrity? Find your packet here: If you ask any parent what they most want for their child, they will probably say something like, “for them to be a good person.” What does this mean? We have at least a … Continue reading Soulful Home: What does it mean to be a family of Integrity?

Annual 30 Days of LOVE Food Drive

Through February 16th! Buckman Bridge Unitarian Universalist Church Annual 30 Days of LOVE Food Drive WHAT TYPES OF FOOD SHOULD BE DONATED? Our local food banks need non-perishable grocery items. The following is a list of the Most Wanted items: Nonfat dry milk, Meals in a can, Peanut butter, Jellies, Canned meat/poultry, Evaporated milk, Canned … Continue reading Annual 30 Days of LOVE Food Drive

This Week in RE 12.1.19

This Week in Faith Development Children This Sunday, Children’s RE is hosting a special guest speaker, John Wrightington, during our time together. The first Sunday of every month our congregation collects “Pennies from Heaven” for the Meals on Wheels program. John will be speaking to us about what exactly Meals on Wheels does.  The kids … Continue reading This Week in RE 12.1.19

Faith Development through Practice

Faith Development through Practice Soulful Home What Does it Mean to be a Family of Awe?  Find Your Packet here: When was the last time you gasped, wide-eyed, in wonder? Were rendered speechless in the face of glory? Froze in a state of divine inspiration? Laughed and cried at the same time, unable to … Continue reading Faith Development through Practice