Author: BBUUC PR

HCT January 2021

How To Have Difficult Conversations With Those You Disagree With As we get through this holiday season, some of us will be visiting family and friends whose political, religious and societal views are much different from our own. Most of us have heard the adage “never talk politics, religion, or money.” These days, however, it … Continue reading HCT January 2021

Chalica 2020

Chalica is a weeklong holiday, during which we honor and celebrate our seven Unitarian Universalist Principles. It is a time dedicated to reflecting and putting into practice, through our words and deeds, one Principle per day for seven days.   For me, Chalica is an opportunity for introspection and a slowing down. This is a perfect … Continue reading Chalica 2020

Soulful Home for Parents & Families What Does It Mean to Be A Family of Stillness?

 Find Your Packet Here: In 2006, the Unitarian Universalist Beacon Press published Thirst, a volume of Mary Oliver’s poetry in which the poem, “The Place I Want to Get Back To,” appeared. The poem tells the story of the day that Oliver sat in perfect stillness in the pine woods, and two deer approached … Continue reading Soulful Home for Parents & Families What Does It Mean to Be A Family of Stillness?

Soul Matters What Does It Mean to Be A People of Stillness?

Faith Development For All Soul Matters What Does It Mean to Be A People of Stillness?  Find Your Packet Here:   Don’t tell me to be calm  when there are so many reasons  to be angry… I didn’t say to be calm, said the wind,  I said to breathe.   We’re going to need a … Continue reading Soul Matters What Does It Mean to Be A People of Stillness?

ICARE December 2020

22 BBUUC members and friends attended the Community Problems Assembly and the BBUUC Justice Ministry Caucus on November 9 (on Zoom). The 300+ assembled ICARE Network Members heard updates on the three issues that gained the most traction in House Meetings in all of the ICARE Congregations this past fall. Those issues were: Housing & … Continue reading ICARE December 2020