Author: BBUUC PR

ICARE March 2021

ICARE Report, March, 2021 ICARE Research Committees, all three of which include BBUUC representatives, are actively researching the following issues:  Implementation of Adult Civil Citations for a list of common offenses as permitted in a Florida law ICARE helped pass two years ago. For instance, Duval County had over 7,000 arrests for driving with a … Continue reading ICARE March 2021

Minister’s Message March 2021

The mission of Buckman Bridge Unitarian Universalist Church is to create and nourish a loving community that seeks justice and respect for all. Each one of you, with your commitment of time, energy, and resources, helps to live out this mission in the world. This month BBUUC is conducting our annual Stewardship Drive, in which … Continue reading Minister’s Message March 2021

HCT March 2021

HCT Column March 2021: Boundaries This month’s column focuses on setting and maintaining boundaries in our lives. While many of us have probably read columns advising on the best ways to say “no” to others without sounding mean or rude, I would like to expand upon this notion of setting boundaries in other settings. In … Continue reading HCT March 2021

Parents of Preschoolers February 2021

This month’s Theme Family Stories, Sacred Stories What is POP?  POP content is hosted here: (Password:  YouGotThis2020 -case sensitive.) POP (Parents of Preschoolers) is a video-based, at-home curriculum grounded in Unitarian Universalism and designed for parents and caregivers of children ages 2-5. By engaging with POP videos, parents and caregivers learn to understand their child’s spiritual … Continue reading Parents of Preschoolers February 2021

Soulful Home for Parents & Families: What Does It Mean to Be A Family of Beloved Community?

Find Your Packet Here: What do you know about the Beloved Community? What does your child know? I’ll admit that what I thought I knew about the Beloved Community, and what I’d shared with my children, turned out to be woefully under-nuanced for the tasks of our times, and I’ve gratefully anticipated this theme’s … Continue reading Soulful Home for Parents & Families: What Does It Mean to Be A Family of Beloved Community?

Soul Matters: What Does It Mean to Be A People of Beloved Community?

Find Your Packet Here: Henri Nouwen, the treasured catholic teacher, activist and pastor, once described beloved community as “the place where the person you least want to live with always lives.” On its surface it seems to be a straightforward reminder not to expect perfection from the communities we join. And not to expect … Continue reading Soul Matters: What Does It Mean to Be A People of Beloved Community?

ICARE Report for February 2021

Twenty-two BBUUC members and friends attended the ICARE Justice Ministry Network Meeting on Monday, January 25. We heard updates on the issues ICARE is currently researching. We planned for the Nehemiah Action Assembly on April 19. And, because we are not gathering live on Sunday mornings, we conducted the first half of our traditional Commissioning … Continue reading ICARE Report for February 2021