Author: BBUUC PR

Soul Matters: What Does It Mean To Be A People of Play? We all are playing. Playing it up, playing it down, trying to play fair. Playing for keeps, playing favorites, playing it safe,  sometimes too safe. He plays hardball; They’re playing house; I’m playing it by ear,  or at least learning to play it by ear. She’s tired of playing second fiddle; He’s playing right … Continue reading Soul Matters: What Does It Mean To Be A People of Play?

UUA Contested Election

UUA Contested Election Our GA delegates this year (appointed by the Board) are Karen Christiansen, Cindi Jorgensen, Claudia Marshall, and Lee Plumb, along with our Minister Rev. Amy Moses-Lagos, Affiliated Community Minister Rev. Carmen Emerson, and Director of Lifespan Religious Education Chris Jarman.  They will each vote individually on this year’s contested election between Sam … Continue reading UUA Contested Election

What about Reopening?

FROM THE BOARD What about Reopening? We understand that many of you are now fully vaccinated and more anxious than ever to return to church for Sunday Worship services and other activities.  We hear you! At our Annual Meeting President Kris Kines expressed heartfelt appreciation for all the efforts that have been going on this … Continue reading What about Reopening?

HCT June 2021

Strategies to Manage the Changes in a Post-COVID-19 world This month’s column was originally going to be about healthy strategies to manage change in our lives. But I kept reflecting on all of the changes we have gone through in the past 15 months and now that things are starting to get back to pre-COVID-19 … Continue reading HCT June 2021

May 2021 “Share the Plate” Virtual Offertory Recipient

During May, your donations to our “Share the Plate” offertory in the Worship Services will support Rethreaded. This organization provides a second chance at life through employment for survivors of human trafficking in Jacksonville, Florida. Survivors have employment opportunities in different facets of the company, including production, inventory, sales, marketing, and finance/administration.  Rethreaded’s mission is … Continue reading May 2021 “Share the Plate” Virtual Offertory Recipient

Minister’s Message May 2021

On May 25, 2020, Derek Chauvin, a white police officer, murdered George Floyd, a 46-year old black man. A 17 year old woman, filmed the incident on her cell phone. This footage sparked a wave of protests throughout the United States and the world, affirming that Black Lives Matter and demanding an end to systemic … Continue reading Minister’s Message May 2021

Minecraft May 2021

Minecraft for Kids (ages 7-11) Do you have a Minecraft fan in your life who is between 7 and 11 years old? Do they miss interacting with the other BBUUC Kids? Would you like them to be able to connect with other children the same age in a safe environment where they can have fun … Continue reading Minecraft May 2021

Parents of Preschoolers May 2021

Parents of Preschoolers This month’s Theme: Conclusion & Reflection POP content is hosted here: (Password:  YouGotThis2020 -case sensitive.)  What is POP?  POP (Parents of Preschoolers) is a video-based, at-home curriculum grounded in Unitarian Universalism and designed for parents and caregivers of children ages 2-5. By engaging with POP videos, parents and caregivers learn to understand their … Continue reading Parents of Preschoolers May 2021