Author: BBUUC PR


For our health  — vaccinations!  And not just COVID (This is for your consideration.  Your physician is the ultimate guide regarding your personal health.) The spotlight is on COVID vaccinations right now, but adults and kids can be vulnerable to other diseases — especially those considered childhood diseases.   As we prepare to gather in groups … Continue reading Vaccinations

Gift Card Sunday

December 5 is Gift Card Sunday!  RWM will be collecting gift cards outside before church.  RWM will deliver those gift cards to Northeast Florida Aids Network and to Jacksonville Area Sexual Minority Youth Network. NFAN serves people with AIDS, many of whom live in poverty. JASMYN serves LGBTQ+ young people, including some who are homeless … Continue reading Gift Card Sunday

Chalica, December 6th-12th

Chalica is a weeklong holiday, during which we honor and celebrate our seven Unitarian Universalist Principles. It is a time dedicated to reflecting and putting into practice, through our words and deeds, one Principle per day for seven days.   For me, Chalica is an opportunity for introspection and a slowing down. It is a perfect … Continue reading Chalica, December 6th-12th

Soulful Parenting Group: Raising a Child: Opening to Joy Together

December 7th- 7:00-8:00 pm (Zoom) Soulful Parenting Group  Raising a Child: Opening to Joy Together Our Parenting Group supports sharing realizations, challenges and hopes around the monthly Soulful Home theme with other supportive adults. This month’s questions revolve around Opening Ourselves to Joy. Pick a few questions that speak to you and come share … Continue reading Soulful Parenting Group: Raising a Child: Opening to Joy Together

Soulful Home for Parents & Families: What Does it Mean to be a Family Opening to Joy?

Find Your Materials Here: What Does it Mean to be a Family Opening to Joy? We have to be here, at this time and place, to open to joy. Let me say that again, because it’s very likely that in reading that sentence, you went somewhere else–into your own thoughts, perhaps, or maybe evening … Continue reading Soulful Home for Parents & Families: What Does it Mean to be a Family Opening to Joy?

Faith Development For All: Soul Matters: Opening to Joy

Find Your Soul Matters Packet Here: Soul Matters: Opening to Joy It’s easy to get tricked, taken for a ride, convinced that joy is a possession. Something to be opened just by us. As if it’s a holiday special delivery, waiting for us to unwrap it and keep forever. And who can blame us, … Continue reading Faith Development For All: Soul Matters: Opening to Joy

Soulful Home for Parents & Families: What Does it Mean to be a Family Holding History?

Find Your Packet Here: What Does it Mean to be a Family Holding History? My family of origin, like so many others, includes people with heritage from several parts of the world: Northern European, West African, Southeastern Native American, and Southeast Asian. This diversity of descent, and of present lived experiences, has been both … Continue reading Soulful Home for Parents & Families: What Does it Mean to be a Family Holding History?

Faith Development for All: Soul Matters: Welcome to the Practice of Holding History

Find Your Packet Here: Soul Matters: Welcome to the Practice of Holding History Let’s start with the words of Parker Palmer, “Jewish teaching includes frequent reminders of the importance of a broken-open heart, as in this Hasidic tale: A disciple asks the rebbe: “Why does Torah tell us to ‘place these words upon your … Continue reading Faith Development for All: Soul Matters: Welcome to the Practice of Holding History

Soulful Parenting Group

November 2nd- 7:00-8:00 pm (Zoom) Soulful Parenting Group with Chris Our discussion this session will be driven by the Spiritual Snack Questions from the November Soulful Home packet. (See the Children’s RE Newsletter for questions). Join us in this safe and supportive space where a parent or caregiver can share, learn, and discuss the … Continue reading Soulful Parenting Group