Author: DavidChristenson

ICARE update January

ICARE Network Party February 6 The BBUUC ICARE Justice Ministry Network will gather for a Pizza and Planning Party on Monday, February 6, 6:30 – 8:30 PM. All ICARE Network Members are strongly urged to attend. We will enjoy pizza, meet with our Team Leaders, and plan for the Nehemiah Assembly March 27. If you … Continue reading ICARE update January

Counting My Blessings

Counting My Blessings Since moving to the Avondale/ Riverside area, I have established a ritual of attending the movie “White Christmas” at the SunRay theater. On the large screen the movie seems more like a play. We sing along to the songs, and I leave feeling the holiday, and humming the songs for days. One … Continue reading Counting My Blessings

Journey Newsletters: 2016-2017

June 2017 Journey May 2017 Journey    Printable Copy April 2017 Journey     Printable Copy March 2017 Journey     Printable Copy Febuary 2017 Journey     Printable Copy January 2017 Journey      Printable Copy December 2016 Journey      Printable Copy November 2016 Journey      Printable Copy October 2016 Journey      Printable Copy September 2016 Journey  … Continue reading Journey Newsletters: 2016-2017

​Holiday Giving Tree 2016

The Giving Tree this year is focused on placing culturally appropriate children’s books in Barbershops and Hair Salons in low income neighborhoods of Jacksonville. We are inspired by the national Barbershop Books program whose goal is to connect books to a male-centered space and involve men in boys’ early reading experiences. Statistics inspiring this effort … Continue reading ​Holiday Giving Tree 2016


Hurricane Matthew interrupted BBUUC’s ICARE* House Meeting schedule. Nonetheless, 18 BBUUC congregants have joined the BBUUC ICARE Justice Ministry so far. The final House Meeting is scheduled for 8:30 AM on Sunday, October 30. For anyone wishing to learn more about ICARE at any time, contact and you will receive a prompt response, especially if you include your phone number. ICARE’s Research Kickoff will … Continue reading ICARE News

September 2016

International Council of Unitarians and Universalists Global Chalice Lighting Words for August 2016    “May our Chalice communities embody the right relationships our world so desperately needs.” Strong words, and sometimes difficult to manifest.  Yet, if not us, then who? We have many exciting opportunities to be involved, witness our values in the community, and demonstrate … Continue reading September 2016

Statistics from BBUUC’s 2015-16 Annual Report

Statistics from BBUUC’s 2015-16 Annual Report: 4 ICARE Team Leaders held 4 House Meetings with 42 attendees in Sept. and Oct. 21 persons became BBUUC Justice Ministry Network Members. 13 Network Members attended the ICARE citywide Community Problems Assembly in late Oct. 7 Network Members attended the ICARE Research Kickoff in early December. 3 Network Members … Continue reading Statistics from BBUUC’s 2015-16 Annual Report

Journey Newsletters: 2015-2016

June 2016 Journey May 2016 Journey April 2016 Journey March 2016 Journey February 2016 Journey January 2016 Journey December 2015 Journey November 2015 Journey October 2015 Journey September 2015 Journey August 2015 Journey August 2015 Activities & Events July 2015 Journey July 2015 Activities & Events

Baggage Claim

Being a Unitarian Universalist means being on a constant spiritual journey. However, constant traveling can be wearing on even the most excited of explorers. The most experienced journey(wo)man can make mistakes. Join Buckman Bridge’s Young Adults as we grapple with how to be a good Traveler on the path to truth and meaning. Worship Leader: Vanessa Birchell Accompanied By: Marilyn Smart