Author: bbuucadmin

This week at BBUUC….   March 31: The Worship Committee will present: “Easter Sunday Service and Flower  Communion” We will celebrate the season with an intergenerational service that honors the interwoven meanings of Passover, Easter and Spring. We will also conduct our annual Flower Communion during the service.  This is a tradition and ritual that … Continue reading

Mar 31: Easter Potluck

Easter brings another potluck and the opportunity to share favorite spring time dishes with our BBUUCC family. The annual Easter Potluck will be Sunday, March 31st, after services. There will be a sign up sheet on the back table over the next couple of weeks  for attendees to indicate what dishes they would like to … Continue reading Mar 31: Easter Potluck

Mar 30: Newcomer Class

Registration is Closed. If you are thinking of becoming a member, or just want to learn more about BBUUC and Unitarian Universalism, this class is the one to take.  It is offered every other month.  The next class will be held in May.  If you were not able to sign up for the March 30th … Continue reading Mar 30: Newcomer Class

Mar 10: This Week At BBUUC

This week at BBUUC….   March 10: Reverend Jack Ford will present: “Faith Can Move Mountains.  Really?”   Faith can move mountains.’ Really? It seems far-fetched. Improbable. What is faith, anyway? Is it belief? In what? The word is freely sprinkled throughout our religious heritage and writings. We often talk about our ‘faith communities’. I … Continue reading Mar 10: This Week At BBUUC

Mar 13: Understanding the Bible: A Basic Introduction for Religious Liberals

There will be a new Adult RE opportunity in March called “Understanding the Bible – A Basic Introduction for Religious  Liberals”. The group, facilitated by Mike Alexander, our DRE, will explore the bible’s history, structure, and our diverse  interpretations of its content. While we will be highlighting the book of Genesis, the old testament prophets … Continue reading Mar 13: Understanding the Bible: A Basic Introduction for Religious Liberals