David Dean presents
“Trust Me”
a sermon written by
Rev. Rod Richards
Minister of Unitarian Universalists of San Luis Obispo
Kris Kines, Worship Leader
Gary Smart, Accompanist
Emily Rose Ludwick and Mike Ludwick, Special Music, Voice and Guitar
“Covenant begins with extending trust and respect. It is not based on whether or not we can prove such trust is warranted for each individual. It is not based on the idea that we will each live out the covenant perfectly.
It is based on the fact that, as members, we have all accepted our covenants as an articulation of our aspirations for how we wish to be together. It is based on the idea that trust is not created individually but instead is rooted in the idea that we are better together; that we create trust together…”
About Our Speaker
David Dean, a BBUUC member and an integral part of our Worship Team, is an Emmy-nominated editor who works as Senior Editor/Post-Producer for the PBS series “Samantha Brown’s Places to Love.” David is also a presenter, writer, and storyteller who volunteers his time as the editor of our worship videos and contributes his other talents in the worship arts to our ministry.
About the Sermon Author
Rev. Rod Richards, the author of this sermon, is the minister of the Unitarian Universalists, San Luis Obispo (CA) since 2012. He previously served the UU church of Southeastern Arizona in Sierra Vista. He also serves as Vice President of the UU Ministers Association. Rev. Richards is committed to the practice of sacred flexibility.
About our Musicians
Enamored with the music of the 1960’s, “Firepit” Mike Ludwick taught himself to play guitar as a teenager. Making music and singing have been life-affirming spiritual practices for him, which he uses to help bend the arc of the moral universe toward justice, love, and peace.
Emily Rose Ludwick is a 9th-grade public school teacher at Creekside High School who enjoys music, art, and writing. She’s a D&D nerd, obsessed with exploring characters, over-analyzing narrative themes, killing the part of her that cringes, and building community through shared storytelling. She’s been singing as long as she’s been able, but singing with her dad, Michael Ludwick, has always been her favorite. She loves indie folk, syrup-voiced crooners, and the soundtrack of Trolls 3. Her favorite groups to listen to right now are The Crane Wives and Hozier!