To Be or To Become

David Dean presents
“To Be or To Become”
A sermon written by 
Rev. Rod Richards
Caitlin Regan, Worship Leader
Eileen Morrison, Accompanist
Tyler Kidd (Piano), Special Music

A sermon on welcoming who we are when we give up trying to become who we are not.

About our Speaker 

David Dean, BBUUC member and an integral part of our Worship Team, is an Emmy-nominated editor who works as Senior Editor/Post-Producer for the PBS series “Samantha Brown’s Places to Love.” David is also a presenter, writer, and storyteller, who volunteers his time as the editor of our worship videos and contributes his other talents in the worship arts to our ministry. 

About the Sermon Author

Reverend Rod Richards, the author of this sermon, is the minister of the Unitarian Universalists, San Luis Obispo (CA) since 2012. He previously served the UU church of Southeastern Arizona in Sierra Vista. He also serves as Vice President of the UU Ministers Association. Rev. Richards is committed to the practice of sacred flexibility.

Special Music by BBUUC Youth Tyler Kidd:

Tyler Kidd is a teenager in the Beacon youth group here at BBUUC. He has been going to this church since he was very small. Playing the piano is something he loves, and it has been that way for most of his life. He is currently studying classical and jazz piano at Douglas Anderson School of the Arts.