Archives: Services

Personal Spiritual Practices

Rev. Carmen Emerson BBUUC’s Affiliated Community Minister Presents Second Sunday Spirit in Practice: “Personal Spiritual Practices” Claudia Marshall, Worship Leader Eileen Morrison, Accompanist Stephanie Miller, Guest Musician Our sermon series continues with a consideration of personal spiritual practices that ground us and help us hear “the still small voice within,” which allows us access to … Continue reading Personal Spiritual Practices

Cultural Humility

Manny Andrade presents “Cultural Humility” Donna Zimmerman, Worship Leader Sydney Crisp, Accompanist Cultural Humility is a practice of self-reflection on how one’s own background and the background of others, impact teaching, learning, research, creative activity, engagement, and leadership. In the interdependent web of life in which we find ourselves, this tool can help us communicate … Continue reading Cultural Humility

A Wander into Unitarian Universalism

Kris Kines presents “A Wander into Unitarian Universalism” Donna Zimmerman, Worship Leader Eileen Morrison, Accompanist Job Meiller, Guitar and Vocals, Special Music Kris explores her journey to Unitarian Universalism, sharing experiences; acknowledging a spiritual awakening as an Agnostic UU.  About Our Speaker: Kris Kines has been a member of BBUUC for over 20 years. She’s served … Continue reading A Wander into Unitarian Universalism

Second Sunday Spirit in Practice

Rev. Carmen Emerson BBUUC’s Affiliated Community Minister Presents “Second Sunday Spirit in Practice” Elizabeth DeCoux, Worship Leader Eileen Morrison, Accompanist Étoiles Binaires, Flute Duo, Guest Musicians In her daily prayers, our affiliated community minister, Rev. Carmen Emerson, prays that her mind remains open by curiosity, her heart remains open by wonder, and that neither be … Continue reading Second Sunday Spirit in Practice

Memories and Legacies

Jennifer Bacmeister presents “Memories and Legacies” Linda Mowers, Worship Leader Eileen Morrison, Accompanist We all have experiences that shape our lives. When we look back on those, can we see what our legacy might be? How do we act now so that the memories and legacy we leave behind reflect our true values? Don’t forget … Continue reading Memories and Legacies

What Do You Believe In?

Donna Zimmerman, BBUUC Chaplain  presents What Do You Believe In? Jennifer Bacmeister, Worship Leader Eileen Morrison, Accompanist Timothy Edwards, Violin, Special Music We all receive messages throughout our lives…messages from others…from things that happen. But the meaning that WE give those messages can define who we are and what we think of ourselves. Frequently we … Continue reading What Do You Believe In?

Juneteenth and the Meaning of Freedom

Rev. Dr. Matthew Johnson Senior Minister of The Unitarian Universalist Church, Rockford, IL  Presents a virtual sermon for BBUUC: “Juneteenth and the Meaning of Freedom”  Claudia Marshall, Worship Leader Eileen Morrison, Accompanist Mary Avery, Voice, Special Music The Holiday of Juneteenth, celebrated on June 19th, honors the end of slavery and the announcement of freedom. … Continue reading Juneteenth and the Meaning of Freedom

Church: To Be and To Do

Rev. Byron “Tyler” Coles Southern Region of the UUA, Congregational Life Staff  Presents a virtual sermon for BBUUC: “Church: To Be and To Do” Kris Kines, Worship Leader Eileen Morrison, Accompanist Bill Cain, Vibraphone, Special Music In the wake of such significant change internally and externally, we must ask ourselves, ‘What is the Church to … Continue reading Church: To Be and To Do