Archives: Services

The Meaning of Moral Equality

Dr. Jeffrey Nall seeks to bring clarity to the confusion around the idea of “equality” and the belief that all are “equal.” In addition to explaining the concept in ways he believes most should be able to agree upon, he further calls upon progressives to more meaningfully engage not simply the facts but also exploration and application of moral principles.

How Would I Know If I Didn’t Show Up?

Rev. Diane Davis is known for her inspirational public speaking and is one of BBUUC’s favorite speakers. It’s been far too long since she has been in our pulpit. Come and find out where her intuition leads her and, along the way, find inspiration for yourself.

Time is Creating Me In Each Moment

“Time is creating me in each moment,” is a phrase that came to me during an individual retreat that I attended in May. I was at Karma Triyana Dharmachakra Monastery on the mountain above Woodstock, New York, when my retreat Master Khenpo Tekyong gave me the subject of “Time” to consider while there on retreat.

Our Place in the Cosmos

Given our uncertainty as to the fundamental building blocks of material reality, and given the universe’s incomprehensible scope, do we humans have any firm ground on which to base our existence? Do we matter? And do our Unitarian Universalist principles matter?

Building the World We Dream About

General Assembly takes form in a barrage of emotions- exhausting, invigorating, frustrating, satisfying, inspiring. One item that is perhaps more important than the whirlwind of emotions is that General Assembly is an educational experience. The education that one receives at General Assembly is life-altering and possesses so much power that there lies the ability to spark a movement of change.

By Way of Compassion

Apathy is pushing compassion away from mainstream human interaction in recent times. This 25-minute song and story sermon consists of four spoken messages, each followed by a song related to the story. “By Way of Compassion” is based on a few of The Perras’ personal experiences. They came to the realization that any human interactions of genuine tender-heartedness can have a ripple effect of positive effects.


Do you know what Lughnasadh is? Do you even know how to pronounce it? As modern humans we are much removed from the rhythms of the Earth and out of tune with the Wheel of the Year ancient humans devised to keep time with the seasons. Modern adherents of Earth-Centered spiritual paths seek to bring their lives back as much as possible to their ‘roots’ and align themselves with the natural world around them. Learn the timeless insight and universal wisdom the Pagan holiday of Lughnasadh–Celebration of First Harvest–can teach to humans living in the modern world.

The One Moment That Changes Everything

Inspired by a dear friend who is fighting for his life in a hospital in central Florida, this sermon will not be a sappy and mild admonishment to be grateful for each day. No way. It will be a full on revelation of that one pivotal moment we either accept the invitation to, or wonder why we are so miserable. Come prepared to leave changed.