Archives: Services

BBUUC’s Annual Water Sharing Service: Connections

BBUUC’s Annual Water Sharing Service entitled “Connections”  with Jennifer Bacmeister as Worship Leader. Each year at BBUUC, we have held an annual water sharing service. Our water sharing ritual is meant to be a homecoming and a time of reconnection for this congregation. How does water represent connection for you? The entire congregation is invited … Continue reading BBUUC’s Annual Water Sharing Service: Connections

Video Service: Socrates, ‘The Matrix,’ and the Color Blue

Carole Hawkins will lead our service with a message by guest speaker Phillip Baber entitled “Socrates, ‘The Matrix,’ and the Color Blue” How can we trust what we think we know? In this sermon, Phillip won’t answer this question, but he will explore the problem of knowledge, how limited we are in our ability to understand our own world, and how … Continue reading Video Service: Socrates, ‘The Matrix,’ and the Color Blue

Video Service: On Being Spiritually Mature

Claudia Marshall will lead our service with a message by our Affiliated Community Minister Rev. Carmen Emerson entitled “On Being Spiritually Mature” Does our religious tradition value spiritual maturity in the same ways that we value intellectual achievement, and if not, what might happen if we learned to embrace spiritual maturity? What does it even … Continue reading Video Service: On Being Spiritually Mature

Video Service: Let Your Light Shine! Let Your Love Show!

Caitlin Regan and Director of Lifespan Religious Education Chris Jarman will lead our Family Worship Service entitled “Let Your Light Shine! Let Your Love Show!” Join Religious Education in celebrating our creativity in learning, growing, and giving. During this time of social distancing, when in-person worship has been suspended, BBUUC will continue our weekly worship … Continue reading Video Service: Let Your Light Shine! Let Your Love Show!

Video Service: Survival — Love and Loss in the Time of Corona

Lee Plumb will lead our service with a message by Rev. Patricia Ray entitled “Survival—Love and Loss in the Time of Corona”  As we move into a new wave here in Florida, are you suffering from CIF (Corona Isolation Fatigue)? A sermon on surviving change and making new connections. About our speaker: The Reverend Patricia … Continue reading Video Service: Survival — Love and Loss in the Time of Corona

Video Service: What Would Susan B. Anthony Do?: Insights of Our Feminist Foremothers

Donna Zimmerman will lead our service with a message by Dr. Jeffrey Nall entitled “What Would Susan B. Anthony Do?: Insights of Our Feminist Foremothers”  August 18, 2020 marks the 100-year anniversary of the feminist movement’s success in winning the right to vote in the United States. On the eve of this milestone, Dr. Jeffrey Nall, adjunct professor of Women, … Continue reading Video Service: What Would Susan B. Anthony Do?: Insights of Our Feminist Foremothers

Video Service: Lovingkindness in Chaos

Elizabeth DeCoux will lead our service with a message by Michael Nilon entitled “Lovingkindness in Chaos.” Michael will explore the value of lovingkindness meditation (metta) in times of interpersonal, social, and institutional conflict. About our Guest Speaker: Michael Nilon is a chaplain resident at Baptist Health and a recent graduate from the doctoral program in … Continue reading Video Service: Lovingkindness in Chaos