David Dean presents
“Drawing On the Wide Side of The Brain”
A sermon written by
Rev. Rod Richards
Donna Zimmerman, Worship Leader
Dr. Gary Smart, Accompanist
Cameron Norman (Soprano), Guest Musician
This sermon challenges Unitarian Universalists to “make the circle wider,” inviting and welcoming others to join us in our faith. But the real challenge is not only that we make room, but how we make room. What does this mean for us at BBUUC?
About our Speaker
David Dean, BBUUC member and an integral part of our Worship Team, is an Emmy-nominated editor who works as Senior Editor/Post-Producer for the PBS series “Samantha Brown’s Places to Love.” David is also a presenter, writer, and storyteller, who volunteers his time as the editor of our worship videos and contributes his other talents in the worship arts to our ministry.
Reverend Rod Richards, the author of this sermon, is the minister of the Unitarian Universalists, San Luis Obispo (CA) since 2012. He previously served the UU church of Southeastern Arizona in Sierra Vista. He also serves as Vice President of the UU Ministers Association. Rev. Richards is committed to the practice of sacred flexibility.
Cameron Norman is a student at Jacksonville University, currently working towards her BA in music. Her focus is on vocal performance in Opera, something she has adored since a young age. She also has a love for the piano and has recently begun to dabble in guitar, motivated by her large family of musicians. Cameron is delighted to share the gift of music through performance and looks forward to bringing the wonder of Opera to anyone she can.