Nov 10th: This week at BBUUC

This week at BBUUC….

Sunday, November 10:

The Reverend Jack Ford will presentI Know You Are But What Am I?  Part I – Humanism” 


Ministering to Unitarian Universalists is challenging, rewarding, and very interesting.  So many journeys.  So much love and happiness and caring.  And a willingness to be mixed up.  Often we seem to be unsure of what we really ‘believe’ what label we choose to wear, if any.  Defining our spiritual, religious, or philosophic endeavors is not easy for thinkers who promote “the right of conscience” and “a free and responsible search for truth and meaning” and such high hopes as these.  Far easier to understand them.  You know: those Christians meeting on Sunday morning (of course); those Pagans meeting somewhere; those Spiritualists taking over the ‘church’; those Humanists, wherever they are.


In this sermon series, Rev. Jack will explore the affinity groups, philosophies and movements which make up this great big bright umbrella called the Unitarian Universalist Association.  Part One is a look at HUMANISM.

Led by Kris Kines and Accompanied by Amber Rodriguez   

The Teens will remain in the service this week to hear Rev. Jack!



What’s happening at Church this week?


Sunday, Nov. 10:

9:30am: Teen Travel Fundraising Group

9:45am: Coffee Conversations facilitated by Liz Teal

10:30am: Sunday Service (See info above)

UUSC Greeting Cards will be on sale after the service

12:00pm: Caring Committee Meeting


Tuesday, November 12

7:00pm: Council Meeting


Wednesday, November 13

11:30am: Lunch Bunch at Pengree’s Restaurant in Orange Park,

RSVP to Frances Kennicutt at 272-2151 for a seat at the table and directions if needed! All are welcomed!

6:30pm: LRE/Teen Travel Meeting & Dinner

7:00pm: Beacon

7:00pm: How to Self Publish


Thursday, November 14

7:00pm:  Religious Texts and Society


Saturday, November 16

10:00am: Newcomer Class

Jack Ford’s Birthday Party in East Palatka – See Journey for details!


Next Sunday, November 17:

Ramin Mahmoodi will present “The Significance of a Pure, Kindly and Radiant Heart”


150 years ago, the Baha’i holy writings discussed the importance of having a pure and kindly heart, and outlined some of the important factors in achieving such a state of being. Today, many of the best Spiritual Leaders of our time talk about the same issue with an updated language, and even medical science has begun appreciating its impact on one’s health. We shall explore some of Baha’i perspectives together.


Led by Sarah Clarke-Stuart Accompanied by Marilyn Smart


About Ramin Mahmoodi: “I am a Computer Systems Analyst by profession, a husband and father of two boys by choice, and a Baha’i for over thirty five years by the grace of the Invisible Force. I fled the impending religious persecution of the Baha’is by the Islamic Republic of Iran in December of 1978, and arrived in US in April 1990, having lived in the Philippines, Spain and Canada. My interest in the practical application of Baha’i principles is rooted in the belief that their purpose is to help me live a better life. Having a Pure and Kindly heart has been a subject of intense personal reflection and growth ever since the attack on US soil of Sept. 11. My hope is to learn and grow more as I share what I have learned thus far.”