Jan 12: This Week at BBUUC

This week at BBUUC….


Jan. 12: Rev. Jack Ford presents “I Know You Are But What Am I?  Part 3: “Wisdom From the World’s Religions”

The writer of the Tao te Ching says: “my words are easy to understand and perform, yet no one knows them or practices them.”  Religions have a lot to say about life and behavior.  Some religions contradict others, and all religions contradict themselves at one point or another.  Where is the wisdom in all of this?  How do we draw inspiration from the world’s religions?


Led by: Amber Rodriguez ● Accompanied by: Gary Smart

 What’s happening at Church this week?

 Sunday, January 12th

·        9:45am Coffee Conversations – High School Room

·        12:00pm Newcomer Class – Middle School Room

·        12:00pm Caring Committee Meeting – Elementary Room

·        12:00pm Auction Volunteer Meeting – High School Room

 Tuesday, January 14th

·        7:00pm Council Meeting – Sanctuary


Wednesday, January 15th

·        7:00pm BEACON – High School Room

·        7:00pm OWL Parents Group – Middle School Room

·        7:00pm Religious Texts and Society – Elementary Room



Thursday, January 16th

·        7:00pm Cakes for the Queen of Heaven – Elementary Room


Friday, January 17th-19th

·        BEACON Con in Gainesville


Saturday, January 18th

·        6:00pm Welcome the New Year! Party, brought to us by the Welcoming Congregation Ministry


Sunday, January 19th

·        9:45am Coffee Conversations – High School Room, Childcare and Coffee will be provided

·        12:00pm Newcomer Class – Middle School Room

·        12:00pm LRE Meeting – Elementary Room


We are looking forward to seeing you this week!