Vision Town Hall

Sunday, February 11, 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Learn BBUUC’s wishes for the future

Now that you’ve filled out your Vision survey, aren’t you curious to find out what everyone else said? We are!

Join us for a Town Hall meeting where we will share the results from the canvass that aims to learn the congregation’s deepest wishes for the future. After the presentation, anyone attending will have the chance to talk about whether we “heard” their message correctly and what they think the results mean going forward.

Visioning is an important step in building the church all of us want. Thanks to everyone who filled out a survey. Your input is valuable to us. If you haven’t filled one out yet, there’s still time.

Don’t forget to turn in your Vision Survey! Deadline is Sunday, Feb. 4
You may:
–  Turn in your completed survey at church, or
–  Mail it to:
Vision Task Force
Buckman Bridge Unitarian Universalist Church
PO Box 844
Orange Park, FL 32067

Location: BBUUC
