Sunday, August 16, 2020
11:30 am
11:30 am
There will be a special online meeting of the membership on August 16 at 11:30 AM.
The sole purpose is to approve the hiring of Minister Rev. Amy Moses-Lagos as a half time contract minister.
The proxy policy and an explanation of how the meeting will run is posted here: proxy-voting-policy-and-explanation-for-2020-August-meeting.pdf
Minutes from the May 17, 2020 Annual Meeting: BBUUC-ANNUAL-MEETING-05172020.pdf
Agenda for Special Congregational Meeting
- Call the meeting to Order
- Chalice lighting
- Opening Words
- Approval of Minutes from the May 17, 2020 Annual Meeting
- Presentation of Motion to hire Rev. Amy Moses-Lagos as half time Contract Minister
- Discussion
- Call for the vote
- Closing Words
- Extinguish Chalice
- Adjourn
Introduction of Rev. Amy Moses-Lagos to BBUUC
Rev. Amy’s website
Examples of sermons given by Rev. Amy to another congregation
The Contract Minister Search Committee is hosting Zoom meetings to provide information and answer questions about hiring a half time minister. These meetings will be on Wednesday August 5th and 12th from 7 to 8 PM. If you have questions and cannot attend at either of these times, please email to make other arrangements.
Meeting ID: 868 2587 8910