Building the World We Dream About – Part 1

Thursday, October 27, 2016
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

In the Service on August 14th Vanessa and Dani invited you to engage in the sacred acts of Listening and Helping. They now present to you a Tapestry of Faith Curriculum to help our congregation move toward the goal of creating Beloved Community. The classes will run on Wednesdays 7-9pm from September 7th- November 2nd and on Saturday October 29th from 10am-2pm.

Will you answer their call? If so e-mail Dani at or sign up on the clipboard in the back of the Sanctuary.

Building the World We Dream About is a Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) Tapestry of Faith curriculum designed to foster cross-cultural skill building and prepare participants to nurture a multiculturally competent and actively anti-racist congregation. The goals of the curriculum are to:

  • Promote multicultural welcome, inclusion, and affirmation in all facets of Unitarian Universalist congregational life
  • Cultivate participants’ knowledge and skills in addressing issues related to race, ethnicity, and cultural identity both individually and institutionally
  • Identify ways congregations can build multiracial/multicultural communities of love and justice.
  • Transform how participants see their individual selves, their congregation, their community, and our world through the lens of race and ethnicity.

Through a series of interactive seminars, participants explore topics that increase their understanding of race/ethnicity and systemic racism, through spiritual reflection, journaling, visual arts, poetry, music, theater tools, simulations, guest speakers, and field trips. The curriculum culminates with worship and creation of action plans for anti-racist, multicultural congregational transformation.

Location: BBUUC
