Mar 20: Comfort Crafts Group
The Comfort Crafts Group will meet to make items which will bring solace and peace to congregants.
The Comfort Crafts Group will meet to make items which will bring solace and peace to congregants.
Covenant of UU Pagans will be meeting for a ritual.
There will be a new Adult RE opportunity in March called “Understanding the Bible – A Basic Introduction for Religious Liberals”. The group, facilitated by Mike Alexander, our DRE, will explore the bible’s history, structure, and our diverse interpretations of its content. While we will be highlighting the book of Genesis, the old testament prophets … Continue reading Mar 13: Understanding the Bible: A Basic Introduction for Religious Liberals
JOIN US FOR LEGISLATIVE DAY MARCH 18-19 Join Unitarian Universalists from all over the state for Legislative Day at the State Capitol March 18-19. Our day starts with a wine and cheese reception Monday at 5:30 PM and dinner at the UU Church of Tallahassee. Guest speaker Monday night is Ben Wilcox, Legislative Lobbyist for … Continue reading Mar 11: Registration Deadline for Legislation Day
No matter your age, size, shape, or gender, being healthy is important. That’s why we hope you’ll take time out of your busy week to join us in developing Healthy Habits. This group will focus on weight loss, exercise (otherwise known as the “E” word), and healthy daily habits without the need for fad diets, … Continue reading Mar 7: Healthy Habits
Looking for a night of music, games and fun? Well, look no further! We have what you’re looking for right here at BBUUC March 6th from 7:00-9:00 pm. Bring your favorite karaoke track or sing along with one of the many songs we have to choose from. You are also welcome to bring along your … Continue reading Mar 6: Raise Your Voice! Karaoke Night
UU Christians Fellowship To Meet Again The UUCF will meet on the fourth Sunday of the month, February 24th, at 12noon. Feel free to bring a brown bag lunch if you need to. We will be watching the first video in the collection on Saving Jesus: From the Christian Right and Secular Left, a DVD from progressive … Continue reading Feb 24: Unitarian Universalist Christians Fellowship
Join us for the Third Annual BBUUC Mardi Gras Party in Support of the Teen Travel Fund! Food, Fun, Campfire and Live Musical Performances Chez Glassman! Saturday February 23 6:30-10:30pm Please email for the location, as it is not being held at the church! Suggested Donation: $15 in advance $20 at the door $10 … Continue reading Feb 23: Mardi Gras Party
Comfort Craft Group Wednesday, February 20th, at 6:30pm Are you a crafter? Do you knit, crochet, embroider, quilt, weave, or do any number of other crafts? Do you enjoy sharing your crafts with others? This group gets together to share crafting time with the goal of sharing the final projects with those in the congregation … Continue reading Feb 20: Comfort Crafts Affinity Group
Our Whole Lives (OWL) for 4th-6th Graders Parent Meeting: Monday, February 18th at 6pm OWL, or “Our Whole Lives”, is a lifespan comprehensive sexuality education curriculum. More information can be found at the following UUA link: This Spring, BBUUC is offering the class to 4th-6th graders. Annabelle Gallois-Bernos and Rev. Pat Ray will be … Continue reading Feb 18: OWL Meeting for Parents of 4th-6th graders