Category: Upcoming Events

Aug 7: Visual Art and Spirituality

Can great art enrich your spiritual life?  Find out during our August series: “Spirituality and Visual Art”. We will explore great works of painting, drawing, and sculpture, from ancient Assyria to the late 20th century .These interactive sessions, led by Linda Crawford, will ask questions like : ·         How can we experience a spiritual “moment … Continue reading Aug 7: Visual Art and Spirituality

July 31: Drum Circle

7:00-8:30pm  Discover Your Personal Rhythm Join BBUUC and Marilyn Wilson of Just a Beat Away for a Drum Circle!  No musical experience is necessary.  Instruments will be provided. Cost: Love offerings graciously accepted

July 28: BBUUCF

The Buckman Bridge Unitarian Universalist Christian Fellowship (BBUUCF) will meet July 28th at 9am at Buckman Bridge UU Church ( All are welcome – hope to see you there.   Note: The UUCF does not require common theological beliefs or spiritual practices. We welcome all who seek to be partners and participants in our tradition’s … Continue reading July 28: BBUUCF

July 25: Intuitive Collage

Thursdays, July 11, 18 and 25 from 7:00 to 8:30 We will be working with the medium of collage to create images that speak to your spirit. No art experience needed just a few basic supplies! Learn to select images that capture your interest without judgment or preconceived ideas. Discover personal symbols and imagery through … Continue reading July 25: Intuitive Collage

July 24: Paganism 101 (CUUPS)

CUUPS will be getting their feet wet with a brief but thorough outline of Neo-Pagan history, ethics, practice, and different Neo-Pagan systems. All are welcome to attend. Wednesday nights through July at 7pm.

July 18: Intuitive Collage

Thursdays, July 11, 18 and 25 from 7:00 to 8:30 We will be working with the medium of collage to create images that speak to your spirit. No art experience needed just a few basic supplies! Learn to select images that capture your interest without judgment or preconceived ideas. Discover personal symbols and imagery through … Continue reading July 18: Intuitive Collage

July 11: Intuitive Collage

Thursdays, July 11, 18 and 25 from 7:00 to 8:30 We will be working with the medium of collage to create images that speak to your spirit. No art experience needed just a few basic supplies! Learn to select images that capture your interest without judgment or preconceived ideas. Discover personal symbols and imagery through … Continue reading July 11: Intuitive Collage