Category: Upcoming Events

Oct 5: 12pm Reiki

The Caring Committee is sponsoring Reiki sessions after church on October 5.  Reiki provides energy to support you physically and mentally during life’s challenges and transitions. No need to undress.  Just kick back, listen to the music, and relax. Watch for the signup sheet.  For more information, contact Rev. Pat Ray.

Oct 5: 11am River City Pride Festival

The Welcoming Ministry is organizing BBUUC’s participation in the 2014 River City Pride festival. Plans include marchers and cheering sections for the October 4 parade and a festive booth for the October 5 festival. The BBUUC booth will emphasize the long-time support of the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) for marriage equality. BBUUC  looks forward to official legal recognition of same-sex marriages in … Continue reading Oct 5: 11am River City Pride Festival

Oct 5: 9:15am Water, Earth and Us

Each Sunday morning at 9:15am from now to November 4, the Water, Earth and Usclass meets to discuss our relationship with clean, drinkable water. Water, Earth and Us is part of the UU curriculum, Gather the Spirit. It is a multigenerational Tapestry of Faith program, integrating ideas from Richard Kimball and Christine Rafal. Water is a compelling focus for our stewardship … Continue reading Oct 5: 9:15am Water, Earth and Us

Oct 4: 4pm River City Pride Parade

The Welcoming Ministry is organizing BBUUC’s participation in the 2014 River City Pride festival. Plans include marchers and cheering sections for the October 4 parade and a festive booth for the October 5 festival. The BBUUC booth will emphasize the long-time support of the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) for marriage equality. BBUUC  looks forward to official legal recognition of same-sex marriages in … Continue reading Oct 4: 4pm River City Pride Parade

Oct 3: 7pm Yom Kippur Observance

BBUUC will be observing Yom Kippur on October 3 at 7pm. Rev. Elizabeth Teal will be leading the observance.  Yom Kippur is the Day of Atonement, and is traditionally the holiest day on the Jewish calendar.

Oct 1: 7pm BEACON

Beacon is a youth organization associated with the Unitarian Universalist Florida District. Formerly called YRUU. BEACON is a community of youth aged 12-20. We meet independently of the Sunday Religious Education classes on Wednesday evenings from 7-8:30pm. In our meetings, we plan for CONs (CONferences, hosted by differenct BEACON groups throughout the state of Florida), … Continue reading Oct 1: 7pm BEACON

Sept 30: 10am Prayer Shawl Affinity Group

September 30, 10am-noon. The group meets at the Mandarin Panera at 11111 San Jose Blvd. If you are planning on coming, please contact (If there are no RSVPs, the meeting may be cancelled.)

Sept 27: 11am Welcoming Congregation Ministry Meeting

In the 1989 General Assembly, the UUA voted to initiate the Welcoming Congregation Program (WCP). The original WCP was directed at the sexually marginlized within UU congregations, namely the lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, transgendered, queer, or questioning (LGBTQ) community. The program was brought about after a study was conducted detailing the “negative attitudes, deep prejudices, and … Continue reading Sept 27: 11am Welcoming Congregation Ministry Meeting