Aug 21: CUUPS
CUUPS is holding book discussions this month about Margot Adler’s book, Drawing Down the Moon. Please join them at 7pm on August 21.
CUUPS is holding book discussions this month about Margot Adler’s book, Drawing Down the Moon. Please join them at 7pm on August 21.
The BBUUC Comfort Craft Affinity Group meets the third Wednesday of every month from 6:30-8:30pm. Please join us as we enjoy each other’s company while we knit, crochet, and quilt for those in our congregation in need of warmth, comfort, solace, and/or encouragement. All crafters are welcome. We have been focusing on shawls and throws … Continue reading Aug 21: Comfort Crafts
Can great art enrich your spiritual life? Find out during our August series: “Spirituality and Visual Art”. We will explore great works of painting, drawing, and sculpture, from ancient Assyria to the late 20th century .These interactive sessions, led by Linda Crawford, will ask questions like : · How can we experience a spiritual “moment … Continue reading Aug 21: Visual Art and Spirituality
Janick Gallois, Annabelle Gallois-Bernos’ sister, is offering a workshop about Active Listening on August 20th (7 to 8:30pm). She says, “We will explore together the power of active listening and how it can lead you into an insightful transformation, connecting you to the intelligence of your body and bringing you back to the present moment. This … Continue reading Aug 20: Active Listening Workshop
Come out on August 18th! You don’t want to miss it! Lifespan Religious Education is kicking off its’ new year with a Meet The Teachers Open House! It’s a chance to learn about the curriculums being offered for the children, youth AND adults, and to meet the teachers and facilitators of the classes. Meet the … Continue reading Aug 18: Meet the Teachers
Start your day with Pancakes! The teens will be hosting a pancake breakfast on Sunday, August 18 from 8;30-10am. Come enjoy homemade pancakes and coffee before service! Help our teens raise money for their next trip. There will be lots of yummy toppings to choose from too!
Religious Texts and Society is for those of you who have an interest in the religious texts of the World’s major religions, and how these texts have shaped societies and the modern world. We will pursue these topics on a bi-monthly basis, with each meeting being led by one or more group members on a … Continue reading Aug 15: Religious Texts and Society
Can great art enrich your spiritual life? Find out during our August series: “Spirituality and Visual Art”. We will explore great works of painting, drawing, and sculpture, from ancient Assyria to the late 20th century .These interactive sessions, led by Linda Crawford, will ask questions like : · How can we experience a spiritual “moment … Continue reading Aug 14: Visual Art and Spirituality
Wednesday, August 14th at 11:30am The BBUUC Lunch Bunch meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 11:30, at Pengree’s Restaurant in Orange Park (556 Kingsley Avenue) for food and fellowship. All are welcomed to join us! Please contact Frances Kennicutt or Beth Christiansen, the office administrator, at if you plan to join … Continue reading Aug 14: Lunch Bunch
CUUPS will be getting their feet wet with a brief but thorough outline of Neo-Pagan history, ethics, practice, and different Neo-Pagan systems. All are welcome to attend. This is the final class in the series. August 7 at 7pm.