Category: Upcoming Events

Sept 25: 7pm CUUPS

Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans is an affinity group for those who are interested in the Earth-Centered theologies, also known as Paganism.  You do not have to be Pagan to attend!  If you have a curiosity about these theologies, the group is an excellent place to learn more.

Sept 25: BBUUYA

Buckman Bridge Unitarian Universalist Young Adults is a ministry within our congregation for those ages 18-35 years.  It is a group focusing on community, social action, and worship.  There is always a seat open for newcomers!

Sept 24: 7pm Welcoming Congregation Ministry

Our Welcoming Congregation Ministry will meet to discuss plans for the Gay Pride Festival and Parade.  This group focuses on making our congregation open and friendly to people from all walks of life, with a focus on LGBTQ issues.

Sept 22: 2pm Gary Smart in Concert

Buckman Bridge Unitarian Universalist Church Cordially invites you to attend A Solo Piano Program With Commentary Presented by Dr. Gary Smart Sunday, September 22 from 2-3 p.m. Featuring works by Chopin, Ravel and Kreisler-Rachmaninoff A Reception will immediately follow the program.

Sept. 22: 9am BBUUCF

Buckman Bridge UU Christian Fellowship meets monthly on the fourth Sunday of the month to educate and build community among those who either follow the Christian path or would like to learn more about it.  All are welcome.

Sept. 19: 7pm Faithful Choices

An Adult Program in Clinical Ethics and Religious Values, written by Wayne B. Arnason for the UUA. “The goal of Faithful Choices is to enable participants to be more knowledgeable, responsible, assertive, and faithful health-care decision-makers.” The eight sessions include discussions on privacy, treatment, end-of-life decision-making, and other topics. They will be facilitated by Ellen … Continue reading Sept. 19: 7pm Faithful Choices

Sept. 18: 7pm Newcomer Class

This class is meant to introduce people to Unitarian Universalism, in general, and BBUUC, in particular.   This is class 2 out of 3.   The next Newcomer class will be held in November. To register, please email membership@bbuuc.  

Sept 12: Faithful Choices

An Adult Program in Clinical Ethics and Religious Values, written by Wayne B. Arnason for the UUA. “The goal of Faithful Choices is to enable participants to be more knowledgeable, responsible, assertive, and faithful health-care decision-makers.”  The eight sessions include discussions on privacy, treatment, end-of-life decision-making, and other topics.  They will be facilitated by Ellen … Continue reading Sept 12: Faithful Choices