Category: Upcoming Events

Nov 23: 4pm Afternoon Tea

Join us for an Afternoon Tea at 4pm on Saturday, November 23rd.  This chance for fellowship, tea and treats is a monthly event.  This month it is being held at Linda C.’s home.  Please email to let us know you would like to attend.

Nov 9: OWL Parent Meeting

This Saturday, November 9th, from 10:30 am until 3:00 pm will be our informative OWL meeting for parents.We are asking that all parents attend before signing their children up to participate. The schedule for this Saturday’s meeting is as follows: 7th-9th grade parent meeting 11:00-1:00 Lunch break ( bring a bag lunch or go out … Continue reading Nov 9: OWL Parent Meeting

Nov 2: Facilitator Training

Back by Popular Demand…. Facilitator Training is November 2nd. As a joint venture between the Programming and LRE committees, the training will bring U.U.A. and congregational resources together to provide information for leaders of Adult R.E. and other classes offered at BBUUC. All current, future, and potential teachers and facilitators are requested to attend, and … Continue reading Nov 2: Facilitator Training

Oct 27: 12:15pm Yoga Nidra

Introduction to Yoga Nidra Meditation Please join us for an Introduction to Yoga Nidra meditation class on Sunday, October 27th at 12:15pm. There is a $15 fee for this class, to pay for the instructor’s time. Yoga Nidra (Yogic sleep) meditation holds the key to reverse the attack of chronic stress on the body, mind, … Continue reading Oct 27: 12:15pm Yoga Nidra

Oct 27: 9am BBUUCF

Buckman Bridge Unitarian Universalist Christian Fellowship Join this group to discuss Christianity within our community. What does it mean to be a liberal Christian Unitarian Universalist?