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Animals in Your Dreams?

Have you ever wondered what it means when animals appear in your dreams? If you believe dreams bring us information and messages, it’s useful and sometimes even fun to consider what a dream may be telling you. People who study dreams tell us the first step in understanding an animal dream is to focus on … Continue reading Animals in Your Dreams?

Hurricane Season and Pets

As hurricane season begins in Florida June 1, it’s important to remember companion animals in your preparations.  The SPCA recommends having leashes, harnesses, and carriers on hand in case evacuation becomes necessary.  Other important items to keep in your emergency departure kit include your animals’ medication, food (can opener if needed), water, and bedding. Another … Continue reading Hurricane Season and Pets

ICARE Justice Ministry Report: May 2024

Despite sheriff, ICARE’s social justice assembly draws a faithful crowd Following a weeklong back-and-forth in the press, Sheriff T.K. Waters did not meet with faith leaders at ICARE’s annual Nehemiah Assembly. But three other Jacksonville officials and the city’s public defender did. 47 members from BBUUC joined with over 730 from other Jacksonville churches at … Continue reading ICARE Justice Ministry Report: May 2024

Animal Chaplain May 2024

Do you ever get the feeling that Florida lags behind other states in a lot of important categories?  Here’s one rating we can definitely celebrate.  In terms of strong legal protections for animals, the Animal Legal Defense Fund ranks Florida seventh in the nation. ALDF notes a number of Florida statutes that it considered in … Continue reading Animal Chaplain May 2024

24-03 Drop In Journey Circle: Truthfulness

Chalice Lighting May we know once again that we are not isolated beings,  but connected, in mystery and miracle, to the universe, to this community and to each other. Check‐in:  How is your spirit right now? Introduction to Journey Circles: Journey Circles provide a space free from judgement, interruption and challenge, A space for spiritual exploration and search for meaning, … Continue reading 24-03 Drop In Journey Circle: Truthfulness

Animal Chaplain March 2024

March is Dolphin Awareness Month.  There are dozens of species of dolphin.  Some of the best known are bottlenose dolphin, killer whale, beluga whale, pilot whale, and spinner dolphin.     Dolphins are marine mammals.  They breathe air through a blowhole.  Probably the most distinctive characteristic of these animals is that they perceive their surroundings via echolocation.  … Continue reading Animal Chaplain March 2024

Animal Chaplain February 2024

Anyone who has lost a beloved companion animal is likely aware that the death is not just like that of a family member; it is the death of a family member.  Many people experience profound sorrow following the death of a dog, cat, or other animal.  Animal chaplains are frequently asked such questions as, “When … Continue reading Animal Chaplain February 2024

Results of Article II Survey

We would like to thank everyone who participated in the recent survey concerning the UUA changes to Article II of its bylaws, which will come up for a vote at this year’s General Assembly. On October 8th BBUUC held an informative congregational meeting to discuss the proposed changes to Article II. As a follow-up to … Continue reading Results of Article II Survey