Category: Minister’s Message

Minister’s Message June 2021

As a Unitarian Universalist, I am constantly learning from classes, workshops and other opportunities for growth and development. I am grateful to be in a religion that encourages lifelong learning. The members of the Pastoral Care Team and I have been taking the UUA training “Spiritual Care Training for Congregational Leaders.” The class is an … Continue reading Minister’s Message June 2021

Minister’s Message May 2021

On May 25, 2020, Derek Chauvin, a white police officer, murdered George Floyd, a 46-year old black man. A 17 year old woman, filmed the incident on her cell phone. This footage sparked a wave of protests throughout the United States and the world, affirming that Black Lives Matter and demanding an end to systemic … Continue reading Minister’s Message May 2021

Minister’s Message March 2021

The mission of Buckman Bridge Unitarian Universalist Church is to create and nourish a loving community that seeks justice and respect for all. Each one of you, with your commitment of time, energy, and resources, helps to live out this mission in the world. This month BBUUC is conducting our annual Stewardship Drive, in which … Continue reading Minister’s Message March 2021