Category: DRE Dwellings

June Bringing it Home

You will often hear Unitarian Universalists talk about our lives in terms of journeys. We think about them as spiritual journeys with many paths, some direction, and a dash of spontaneity and creativity thrown in to keep things interesting. Journeys involve setting out, perhaps when we feel stuck where we are, when we need something … Continue reading June Bringing it Home

May~ Bringing it Home

Spiritual Practice for Everyone: Bubble Meditation My corner of the office not only has books, stacks of papers and crafting supplies, and artwork to be returned to young artists. It has bubbles. Little bottles of bubbles left from the Easter egg hunt or Fun Water Sunday, or just fun RE days, …. I love bubbles. … Continue reading May~ Bringing it Home

April Bringing it Home

Bringing It Home These are the days when we shout, “Spring has Sprung!” The azaleas are bursting with blooms and the mornings are filled with bird song. The pollen is in full flood-creating the annual renewed promise of runny noses and itchy eyes but also renewed life for our plants and trees. It is a … Continue reading April Bringing it Home

March Bringing it Home

The Worry Tree During February’s Children’s Chapel we heard the story The Worry Tree by Laura Wilkerson Spencer.  The story talks about worries and how they can weigh us down.  We shared about some of the things that worry us.  What we do when we are worried and how we can share our worries to … Continue reading March Bringing it Home

February Bringing it Home

Bringing it Home Many cultures and faiths have the custom of hanging flags in the wind infused with good and hopeful intentions or prayers written on them.  The image is a reminder that as the wind blows, the prayers and intentions are carried away in the wind and everyone who is touched by the wind … Continue reading February Bringing it Home

Happy New Year!

In this New Year, CHOOSE Joy.                                    Every day, and especially during frantic or frenetic periods of life, we have a choice multiple times a day – we can let ourselves be overwrought with overwhelm and allow it to … Continue reading Happy New Year!

Spiritual Practice

Affirmation You Are the Holiday Miracle by Gwen Matthews As December opens up before us, we welcome in the gift of reflection. We turn toward our holiday celebrations and search for common threads of meaning. We begin with Yule, the winter solstice, and we are invited to explore duality, cycles, and seasons, and to witness … Continue reading Spiritual Practice

December Bringing it Home

If your family hangs ornaments on a tree at this time of year, create blessing ornaments.  With a clear plastic ornament found at craft stores, you can create a reminder of what graced your life in the past year. Place small photos or trinkets, beads and ribbons, or glitter to make them sparkle.  What is … Continue reading December Bringing it Home