Author: BBUUC PR

With Gratitude

With Gratitude Appreciation acknowledges the goodness in life – the positives in events, experiences, and other people.  Gratitude recognizes how the positive things in our lives are often due to forces outside of ourselves, particularly the efforts of other people.  Gratitude strengthens the bonds among people who mutually help one another. We do not have … Continue reading With Gratitude

COSM November 2020_Summary

November 2019 – Long Range Planning Committee’s May report to Board led to need to educate Board. December 2019 – Rev. Carmen Emerson (our Affiliated Community Minister) advised Board and key leaders about types of UU ministers and introduced the UU concept of “Partners in Shared Ministry.” February 2020 – Board met with Christine Purcell, … Continue reading COSM November 2020_Summary

COSM November 2020

What About “Shared Ministry”? One year ago, we began the series of Journey articles titled “What About a Minister?” Each month we shared the steps on our journey to explore and fulfill our vision of professional ministry for BBUUC (see summary). In September we welcomed Rev. Amy Moses-Lagos as our half time Contract Minister. In … Continue reading COSM November 2020

ICARE November 2020

ICARE Report for November, 2020 Six ICARE Team Leaders – Molly Brady, Karen Christiansen, Ken Christiansen, Carole Hawkins, Cindi Jorgensen and Claudia Marshall – led seven ICARE House meetings with 56 BBUUC member and friends in attendance. 35 individuals joined BBUUC’s Justice Ministry Network. Our next Citywide meeting is the Community Problems Assembly on November … Continue reading ICARE November 2020

HCT November 2020

In this new monthly column, the Healthy Congregation Team will share some best practices for managing conflict and will suggest practical strategies for employing nonviolent communication. We hope these tips will provide you practical solutions for managing any potential conflict in your life, whether it’s conflict with family members, co-workers, friends, or fellow volunteers at … Continue reading HCT November 2020

Articulating Your UU Faith

Articulating Your UU Faith, meets November 1 and 15, 1:00-2:30 pm   Join us for an engaging Religious Education offering of Articulating Your UU Faith. This course will guide you through a series of easy and engaging exercises–personal reflection, role-play, discussion… that equip you to communicate your liberal religious ideals.” Articulating is a great exercise for … Continue reading Articulating Your UU Faith