Author: BBUUC PR

HCT February 2021

How to Handle Toxic Behavior This month the Healthy Congregation Team’s column focuses on how to handle toxic behavior from friends, family, co-workers, and other acquaintances. Examples of toxic behavior are people who are “narcissists, compulsive liars, sociopaths, manipulators, gossipers, and those wallowing in self-pity.” ( These people tend to have lots of drama in … Continue reading HCT February 2021

Soulful Home for Parents & Families: What Does It Mean to Be A Family of Imagination?

Soulful Home for Parents & Families What Does It Mean to Be A Family of Imagination?  Find Your Packet Here: Being guided by “what if…” is something humans do really well. We can imagine possibilities, informed by past observations and experiences, to create new realities that did not exist before. I consider this one … Continue reading Soulful Home for Parents & Families: What Does It Mean to Be A Family of Imagination?

Family RE January 2021

Family Religious Education, Sundays, 10:00-11:00 am The Whole Family is invited to attend together and connect via Zoom for Family RE. Prepare to find the sacred and the silly as we walk this road together.  This month we’re exploring the many ways our UU faith invites us to become “A People of Imagination.” Our theme … Continue reading Family RE January 2021

Soul Matters: What Does It Mean to Be A People of Imagination?

Faith Development For All: Soul Matters What Does It Mean to Be A People of Imagination? Find Your Packet Here: Maybe our most important work is to re-imagine imagination. Imagination’s great gift is improvement. At least that is what we’re usually taught. The deep magic lies in the way it can reshape our reality. … Continue reading Soul Matters: What Does It Mean to Be A People of Imagination?

ICARE Report for January 2021

As 2020 ends, I want to reflect on ICARE initiatives that positively affected the lives of Jacksonville residents this past year.    Hundreds of Duval County youths, and thousands statewide, have received Civil Citations instead of being arrested for common youthful offenses. Civil Citations require the youths to participate in restorative justice programs that include … Continue reading ICARE Report for January 2021