This Week in RE 12.1.19

This Week in Faith Development

This Sunday, Children’s RE is hosting a special guest speaker, John Wrightington, during our time together.
The first Sunday of every month our congregation collects “Pennies from Heaven” for the Meals on Wheels program. John will be speaking to us about what exactly Meals on Wheels does.  The kids will see an example of a typical meal and engage in a discussion of why the program is important and why Social Action is integral to our faith.
After our sharing time, our children and youth will have a choice of 3 different social action projects to work on for the morning; making new Pennies from Heaven cans, counting the sock donations before we take them to the Sulzbacher Center, or hand-making holiday cards for Meals on Wheels clients.

The Long Strange Journey; 2000 years of Unitarian Universalist history will conclude this Sunday with session 6- Unitarian Universalism. This film tells the story of the century-long “courtship” between Unitarianism and Universalism as a classic love story. It details how they “courted” each other, sought out other partners, and finally consummated the merger. It discusses how Humanism helped bring the two movements closer together, and the role that Liberal Religious Education played in laying the groundwork for the merger. The film then follows Unitarian Universalism through the first 50 years of its existence and ends with some personal comments on what its future might hold. Join us 12-2 in the Olympia Brown room.