Update on Article II Study Process and Adoption Timeline

The Article II Study Commission convened in the fall of 2020, developing a shared understanding of its charge, the history of Article II, and the study process. In the Spring of 2021, the Study Commission began hosting theological panel discussions with surveys to gain an understanding of the values and sources of inspiration shared amongst Unitarian Universalists. At General Assembly 2021, the Commissioners introduced the Article II study process in a General Session, and engaged attendees in focus groups.

Congregational resources, for small group ministry and group discussion, were developed and shared in the fall of 2021. Focus groups, individual interviews, and surveys continued through the winter and spring of 2022. Draft language was prepared and shared during the General Session at the 2022 General Assembly. Focus groups and surveys were used to collect feedback on these drafts.

In the fall of 2022, the Article II Study held feedback sessions and surveys on different drafts of Article II, each draft informed by previous feedback sessions and surveys. At the end of this feedback cycle, the Article II Study Commission will submit its recommendation, for a new Article II, to the Board of Trustees, in January 2023.

After the Board of Trustees receives the recommendation, Article II Forums will be held at the regional level to get people talking about the proposal. There will be a mini-assembly in May 2023, for congregational delegates to offer amendments to the proposal. Amendments to the proposal, approved by the mini-assembly, may be added to the proposal by the Board of Trustees or placed on the General Assembly agenda for consideration.

The final version of Article II, as amended by the Board of Trustees and/or the 2023 General Assembly, must receive a simple majority vote to move forward for a final vote at the 2024 General Assembly. It will take a 3/4th majority vote at the 2024 General Assembly, to be adopted as the new Article II of the UUA bylaws. If either vote fails, a similar proposal can not be considered for two years.

If you are interested in reviewing more details about this process, use this link to the UUA’s Study Commission site:


In addition the UUA will be making available additional information on changes and the process – see the UUA newsletter.