This Week in RE 3.31

“Children are spiritual by nature.  They haven’t yet lost their sense of awe, mystery, and reverence for the ordinary things in life.  Children need safety and consistency to express that spirituality: they also need a solid foundation in a rapidly changing world that they cannot control.      -Michelle Richards

Upcoming Events:

  •  K-2 OWL continues during RE time. Please remember OWL will end at 11:45.
  • Mystery Pals begins April 7th.  Kids will be matched with a Mystery Pal (Parents will know Identity of Pal) for the month of April.  Each week the pair trade a note about themselves.  On May 5th, after church we will have a reveal party to find out and meet our Mystery Pal. Please fill out Mystery Pal form at the RE table to participate.
  • April 21st – Flower Communion, Child Dedications, Potluck, Easter Egg Hunt & Games
    • Please let me know if you would like your child/ren to be part of the Child Dedication Ceremony.
    • Remember to bring your Easter Basket & Flowers for each member of the family

**More information about the Child Dedication Ceremony & Mystery Pals program can be found on the church website under the Learning tab or in the church newsletter.

**Last week we began K-2 OWL, which is facilitated by Annabelle, Debbie, & Erin. We have 9 owlets. Yippee! OWL is held during the RE hour but with an ending time of 11:45 instead of 11:30. This class will be held in the Spirit Explorers room.

All Spirit Explorers & Spirit Players not in OWL, along with visitors will combine into one class which will be held in the Spirit Play room. **

 Gentle reminders to please pick up your children from the RE classrooms after service and be mindful of  child supervision. Thank you.

This week’s RE lessons:

OWL: (K-2): Spirit Explorers Room

Facilitators: Annabelle Gallois-Bernos, Debbie Atkins, Erin Rogers

Spirit Players & Explorers (K-2): Spirit Play Room

Facilitator: Joani Maskell

Door Keeper: Jenny Kobin

Lesson: One: A Story about  Bullying

This is a Red Promises story: Respect all people.

Wondering Questions:

  • I wonder what was your favorite part of the story?
  • I wonder what was the most important part of the story?
  • I wonder where you are in this story?
  • I wonder if anyone has ever said something to you that made you feel blue?
  • I wonder if you have ever heard anyone say something mean to a friend?
  • I wonder if you have ever been like number One and stood up for yourself or a friend?
  • I wonder what UU promise this story reminds you of?
  • I wonder what it means, “Sometimes it just takes One”?
  • I wonder if anyone has ever felt like Red?
  • I wonder if this lesson reminds you of any of our other Unitarian Universalist Promises?
  • I wonder where the Spirit of Love and Mystery might be in this story?

Spirit Seekers: (3rd-5th) URUU: Our 2nd Source- Prophetic People

Facilitator: Chris Jarman
Today’s session is about the second source of UU inspiration: Words and deeds of prophetic women and men which challenge us to confront powers and structures of evil with justice, compassion & the transforming power of love. Simple summary: Powerful people — Justice.
URUU CHALLENGE: Bring an example of a “Prophetic” person to class next week–  a role model from their life or history who stood up to injustice and evil for the cause of good, love, and right.


Youth (6th-12th) Participate in Worship

See you Sunday!