“When it comes to our children, we do not have the luxury of despair. If we rise, they will rise with us every time, no matter how many times we’ve fallen before. I hope you will remember that the next time you fail. I hope I will too. Remembering that is the most important work as parents we can possibly do.”
~Our Children Will Rise with Us by Cheryl Strayed from Tiny Beautiful Things, p. 348.
Hello Families!
A few upcoming events for your family to engage in:
· March 1- First Friday Potluck · March 6- begins #UULent https://bbuuc.org/learning/uulent/) · March 9- Family Swim Night- Please RSVP https://mailchi.mp/8b99d2904864/march-journey-newsletter-2854953?e=626f796fe1 · March 10- K-2 grade OWL Mandatory Parent Child Orientation- Please RSVP https://bbuuc.org/learning/owl/k-2-owl-beginning-march-24th/ · March 15- Drumming Circle |
This week’s lessons:
Youth: (6th-12th Grade): Virtue Ethics-Moderation
Facilitator: Jasmine Turner
In this workshop our youth will:
- Unpack the meaning of moderation
- Explore situations where moderation is used or called for
- Invite youth to identify ways they do, or could, use moderation.
Spirit Seekers: (3rd -5th Grades) The Merger: U + U = UU
Facilitator: Erin Rogers
The goal of this session is to learn about the merger between Unitarianism & Universalism to create this new religion: Unitarian Universalism.
- Explain to your family why the chalice is off-center in the rings in our sanctuary or on the gray hymnal. The UUA was founded when the Unitarians and Universalists merged together in 1961… Find out if your parents are older or younger than the UUA. Your uncles or aunts? Grandparents?
- The 7 Principles “promise keeper” challenge will stand all year long
Spirit Play (3.5 yrs – Kg) Flaming Chalice: Animal & Plants
Storyteller: Debbie Atkins
Door Keeper: Tara Crisp
This lesson about our faith shows how we make Promises (our Principles) to our own community but also to all the plants and animals around the Earth and how these promises connect us to each other and to the Spirit of Love and Mystery that some people call God.
Wondering Questions:
- I wonder if you have seen this anywhere else in our church?
- I wonder what part of it you like best?
- I wonder what part is most important?
- I wonder how big this Earth community could really be?
- I wonder how it feels to be in this Earth community?
- I wonder where you are in this community?
- I wonder if you have ever taken care of a plant?
- I wonder if you have ever taken care of an animal?
- I wonder how plants and animals can be part of our community?
- I wonder how big our community can really be?
- I wonder if you have ever made a promise?
- I wonder what happens when you break a promise?
- I wonder if there is one promise that is more important than the others?
- I wonder if there is one promise that we could remove and still live together peacefully?
- I wonder what would happen if the promises weren’t here?
- I wonder if you have ever come close to the Mystery?
- I wonder if you have ever felt the Spirit of Love and Mystery?
Spirit Explorers (1st– 2nd) The Wise people and the Elephant
Storyteller: Marilyn Smart
Long, long ago there was a great teacher who told stories. The name we give this teacher is Buddha. It means enlightened one. We call him that because his stories can help us see things more clearly. It is as if these stories bring light into a dark room.
Wondering Questions:
- I wonder which part of the story you liked the best?
- I wonder if there is one part that is more important than the others?
- I wonder if we can leave a part out and still have a story?
- I wonder where you are in this story?
- I wonder what the ruler wondered about?
- I wonder why each wise person named something different to describe an elephant?
- I wonder what would happen if they changed places? (change people one at a time)
- I wonder if one person is wiser than the others?
- I wonder if the elephant could be all these things?
- I wonder if the elephant has a name?
- I wonder if the wise people have names?
- I wonder which Unitarian Universalist Promise this story reminds you of?