This week at BBUUC….
January 20: David Dean will present “Leading from Within” written by Rev. Anthony David, UU Church of Atlanta
In this inspiring sermon for Martin Luther King Day, Rev. David considers the 1955 Montgomery bus boycott, and Dr. King’s initial hesitation is becoming involved with it, as an examination into the concept of leadership. “It’s about how we use our influence,” he writes, “towards the creation of some larger vision. It’s about how we respond to the call, when the call comes.”
Led by: Eileen Morrison
Accompanied by: Amber Rodriguez
What’s Happening at Church this week?
Sunday, January 20
- 9am BBUUBF
Monday, January 21
- 6:30pm Worship Committee Meeting at Linda Crawford’s House
Tuesday, January 22
- 7pm Board Meeting
- 7pm BBUUYA
Wednesday, January 23
- 7pm BEACON
- 7pm CUUPS
- 7pm Mission and Vision Meeting
Friday, January 25
- 7pm Evensong for Families (Registration for this class is closed)
Saturday, January 26
- 4-6pm Afternoon Tea at the home of Pam Edwards-Roiné
We are looking forward to seeing you this week!