BBUUC, in cooperation with its Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans (CUUPS) chapter, will host a full Yule/Winter Solstice service on Friday, December 21st from 7-9 pm.
This special service will include:
- Yule chalice lighting
- Singing in the directions/elements
- Collective Yule reading
- Listening to Yule music
- A story for all ages–Story of the Celts
- Spiral Dance and Drum Circle around the Yule log
- A quieting after the dance
- Charge of the Sun God reading
- Meditation
- Candle Lighting ritual
- Singing
- Singing out the directions/elements
- Closing words and extinguishing the Chalice
The service will be followed by cider and cookies and the burning of the Yule log.
Do please join us celebrate this holiday in a uniquely UU Pagan way.